Hello! My name is Larynn Cutshaw and I am a Master of Arts in Marine Affairs candidate at The University of Rhode Island. I am working on a thesis project to learn more about hobbyist preferences for aquarium organisms like fish, corals, and other invertebrates.
I would like to invite you to participate in a 15-minute survey and have your say about organisms in the aquarium trade! Anyone who is 18 years or older and currently owns an aquarium (saltwater or freshwater) or is considering purchasing an aquarium is eligible to participate.
This study has been approved by The University of Rhode Island Institutional Review Board. Your participation is voluntary and all answers will be confidential. The survey will not ask for any identifying information (like your name or contact information), but your IP address will be recorded to prevent anyone from making multiple submissions.
I very much appreciate your help with this study. Should you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at AquariumTradeURI@gmail.com or private message me through the appropriate means on the forum. You may also direct questions or concerns to my advisor, Tracey Dalton (University of Rhode Island, Department of Marine Affairs) at dalton@uri.edu.
The closing date of the survey is September 28, 2018.
I look forward to your response and I thank you for your participation!