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This is our general discussion forum. If you're not sure where to post, feel free to post here. It covers topics about about tanks, stands, sumps, refugiums, salt, substrate, liverock, disasters, new to reefing, propagation setups, etc.

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  1. here is the 125 now

    here is the 125 after reaquascaping to get out a tang that did not like my Clown Tang !!
    Started by lReef lKeeper, 08-28-2006 07:32 PM
  2. Losing weight has never been so easy!

    Thank you, I have some corals that could stand to loose some weight. Someone please pull this...
    Started by harmanrk, 08-26-2006 09:37 AM
  3. Live Rock / manjo anomones

    I just bought some LR from a LFS and it has some manjo or those other ones " cant' spell it asptia maybe lol" I was wondering what is the best thing...
    Started by wpspfan, 08-15-2006 05:27 PM


    Algae & Pests
  4. Porites came with my w/o porites rock!

    Now what do I do? I ordered the Xmas tree worm rock w/o porites from online because I knew my little 24G nano deluxe lighting would not support...
    Started by AuntKaren, 08-16-2006 11:17 AM
  5. live rock or is it?

    I had a 55 gal tank that was overrun with green hair algea. I wound up taking this tank down and just focusing on my larger tank. I had some live...
    Started by SDW, 08-23-2006 01:27 AM
  6. crusty sand

    Crusty sand: What should I do? What if the top of the sand in some places is crispy. When I touch it I can break through and then it's soft...
    Started by Booboo33062, 08-22-2006 04:17 PM


    Algae & Pests
  7. Wonderful Time

    ***** :D ***** It's not often that we can meet everyone in the community. My family and I meet Dave, Susan Cochran and their wonderful daughter...
    Started by Kenny_Graham, 08-17-2006 03:47 PM
  8. Which Reef Salt do YOU use?

    We have discovered why our pH is low which has messed with the calcium and/or alk levels. We did a bit of research on the Seachem Reef Salt we...
    Started by AuntKaren, 07-30-2006 08:30 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
  9. Saltwater ICH

    Help!, I have a small cube and recently with the hot weather i had an outbreak of ICH. I lost 3 fish despite treating the tank with a chemical...
    Started by Chromis, 08-17-2006 05:35 PM
  10. If it wasn't for bad luck....

    If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any at all. I finally got the canopy built for the 47G coulumn Sea Horse tank. I installed a 250W 20K...
    Started by Sea~Horse~Whisperer, 08-15-2006 09:55 PM
  11. refugium

    I have a 20 gallon tank I used as a quarantine tank. It has set for 6 months with no livestock in it. I was wondering if there was anyway to turn it...
    Started by at, 07-04-2006 03:34 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
  12. Light on the Live Rock, please... on a diet!

    Here's some cool reads from Master Eric Borneman... the CORAL GOD!!! Aquascaping the Reef Aquarium by Eric Borneman ...
    Started by Reptoreef, 03-25-2006 02:00 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3

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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

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