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This is our general discussion forum. If you're not sure where to post, feel free to post here. It covers topics about about tanks, stands, sumps, refugiums, salt, substrate, liverock, disasters, new to reefing, propagation setups, etc.

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  1. Problem

    I have a 90 reef aquarium I have what i think is a red/maroon clove polyp. It has taken over all my rock my overflow and my whole tank. It has...
    Started by wallacefan48, 11-16-2016 07:45 PM
    5 Pages
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  2. who is a reefer in st. clair shores area

    who's a reefer in St. Clair shores area-what do you got to sell/trade
    Started by steveb, 11-16-2016 12:07 PM


    General Discussion
  3. Another Mike Diesel Warning

    Just an FYI; Mike Diesel is at it again. Using yet another alias on Michigan Reefers. Mike Williams out of Clinton Township, Michigan. User name...
    Started by mole, 09-23-2016 12:36 PM


    General Discussion
  4. Photography Help

    Hello, We at Trop could use some help in getting quality pics of our corals. If you have good skill in this, please contact us and we'll work...
    Started by Tropicorium, 08-14-2016 02:40 PM
  5. Help! Mollusks and Crustations Keep Dying

    Hello Friends, It's been a long time since I posted. My tank has been on autopilot for the past four years (thank you Apex). However, the past...
    Started by rhouse24, 09-05-2015 09:25 PM


    Algae & Pests
  6. Cool website

    I came across this site and thought I would share: David Attenborough's Great Barrier Reef | Explore
    Started by jimsflies, 01-16-2016 02:49 PM


  7. How do you move an anemone?

    I have a 14gal bio cube with some live rock a Diamond goby and a peppermint shrimp and a small anemone and I can't get the anemone to move off the...
    Started by kennyeberly, 12-13-2015 11:35 PM
    4 Pages
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    General Discussion
  8. Jumping right in!

    Hey what's up everyone! Let me tell everyone a little about myself!. I am fairly new to this Reef keeping side of aquarium hobby maybe 3 months in....
    Started by fishfinatic, 09-06-2015 12:28 PM


    New to Reefing
  9. Wikipedia picture of the day: September 11, 2015

    Wikipedia picture of the day: September 11, 2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Coral_Outcrop_Flynn_Reef.jpg
    Started by SantaMonicaHelp, 09-05-2015 07:55 PM


    General Discussion
  10. Herbie Plumbing & Return Plumbing...Lots of q's.

    This is my first drilled tank with sump. The sump will sit below the tank in the stand. I set up the tank/sump/plumbing outside as a test and had a...
    Started by Gryhund, 08-24-2015 10:43 AM
  11. The new guy

    Hello everybody I know Im the new guy, but I feel that when you go to your first swapmeet, you probably shouldn't come home with a sundial on your...
    Started by sicpig814, 08-26-2015 06:30 AM


    New to Reefing
  12. My Green Eleghant

    Started by karanglaut, 06-24-2015 12:21 PM


    New to Reefing

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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

    Besides being a great resource for all levels of reef aquarium hobbyists, CaptiveReefs is a social experience that will enhance your enjoyment of reefkeeping. CaptiveReefs is committed to connecting reefkeepers with the support and information they need to grow beautiful coral reef aquariums.


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