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The Blue Glow

The Blue Glow specializes in high quality corals and hand made acrylic goods.

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  1. TBG Awesome WYSIWYG Sale!

    $120 $60 $40 $40 $60
    Started by schminksbro, 11-13-2016 03:42 PM


  2. TBG 20% off Everythiing on the Site Sale!

    Everything on the site is marked down 20% from the already low prices. This includes all wysiwyg coral frags and acrylic frag racks. Discounts from...
    Started by schminksbro, 11-25-2016 08:39 AM


  3. $20 off TBG Classic Series Frag Racks

    Use coupon code Classic and receive $20 off TBG Classic Series Clear acrylic frag rack. Coupons are limited so act fast! The Blue Glow :: Acrylic...
    Started by schminksbro, 06-23-2016 06:21 AM


  4. WYSIWYG Frags from The Blue Glow

    PM with interest. Can ship or meet in local area. (southeast MI)
    Started by schminksbro, 06-08-2016 06:54 PM


    New Stock
  5. Two Corals Walked into a Bar...

    The first one said "My guy bought us a TBG Frag Rack" The second one just wept and muttered something about eggcrate. The Blue Glow :: Acrylic...
    Started by schminksbro, 04-25-2016 06:47 AM


  6. WYSIWYG Zoas and Palys

    These and more available on the site ay great prices! The Blue Glow
    Started by schminksbro, 03-29-2016 02:14 PM


    New Stock
  7. Chalice Colonies from TBG

    $120 The Blue Glow :: LPS Corals :: Beautiful Chalice Colony $180 The Blue Glow :: LPS Corals :: Stellar Chalice Colony
    Started by schminksbro, 03-18-2016 10:47 PM


    New Stock
  8. TBG Zoa/Paly Pack

    All frags for $140 PM with interest Paypal and all major credit cards accepted
    Started by schminksbro, 03-18-2016 10:45 PM


    New Stock
  9. TBG LPS Frag Pack

    All 8 pieces for $300. Can ship in continental US for cost. Local delivery available as well.
    Started by schminksbro, 03-17-2016 01:17 PM


    New Stock
  10. WYSIWYG Update

    These pieces and many more just loaded up on the site for some killer prices. The Blue Glow
    Started by schminksbro, 03-10-2016 10:30 PM


    New Stock
  11. Tired of Eggcrate?

    Are you tired of algae issues? Tired of corals that grow over your egg crate and can't be removed? TBG's industry first acrylic frag racks are the...
    Started by schminksbro, 01-19-2016 05:23 PM


  12. TBG Holiday Season Sale!

    Free shipping on all acrylic frag racks through New Years Day!
    Started by schminksbro, 12-12-2015 07:51 PM



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