I took a couple pictures the other day. These are 5 day old fry.
Went to the MBI Workshop today, which was great!, when I got home I found this..
more eggs!
And something more awesome I found today...
The fry have their first stripe today! They have deffinately reached meta already at 8 days old!
Fry are doing great! one swam past 5 layers of matala filtering material and made it's way into the filter sock of the sump and didn't make it. but i still have 5 left and they are doing just fine. they are now 29 days old and still have just a head stripe. it takes a while for the rest of the stripes to come in.
Parents laid more eggs that are set to hatch on Tuesday night, i will try to raise these ones also. i'll post pics when i get them off the camera.
almost all eggs hatched last night. Only 4 remain on the tile. a lot of them are swimming around but quite a bit are sitting at the bottom. i added more rots and greenwater to the tank and uped the air bubbles to get a bit more circulation. there is still some maracyn in my rots culture that i am forced to feed the new fry as my second bucket now shows signs of a bacteria infection. I am hoping the maracyn does not effect the bactria in the frys stomachs.
Percula babies are doing great, last week they started getting their belly stripes, and my new set has reached meta about two weeks ago and they have their head stripe. i will try to get pictures today and post them up. Another batch of eggs are set to hatch tuesday night.
well the eggs from the last post hatched and i forgot to move the tile before going to bed, so I missed the babies, but my perculas have laid eggs again yesterday and I have good news! my first batch of perculas are 60DPS today!!! yay!!!!! pictures to come when the lights turn on.
Heres the pictures! there are 4 in one cube and the fifth one is in the other cube on the left.
and heres a pic of the new batch of eggs laid yesterday.
My male Percula, Percy (pronounced Perky), decided to get a divorce from his wife, packed his bags, and went surfing on the rolling almond waves of tile of the Laundry Room Sea.
Percy left behind his wife Big Bess, and 15 children that are at home and his other 15 children at their adoptive parents home of BigBill, and his clutch of eggs that are due to hatch tonight that are being adopted by CableGuy.
Rest In Peace Percy the Percula.
Percy is in the middle by the eggs.