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Breeding Journal: Onyx percula

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  1. #1

    Default Breeding Journal: Onyx percula

    <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: formoutput -->
    Breeding Journal DataSheet

    This first post should be updated regularly to include new information as events take place
    or changes are made to your system

    Species: Onyx percula
    Social Structure: reef tank
    Size of Individuals: 1/12-2/12 inches
    Age of Individuals: 2 1/2 years
    Date added to Tank: 2010

    Broodstock Tank Details
    Size of Tank:
    Substrate Details:
    Filtration Details:
    Water Changes: 10% weekly
    Water Temperature: 80-84 degrees
    Lighting Cycle:
    Other Tank Inhabitants:

    Broodstock Feeding Details
    Food Types: Home made fish food/ Rod's and pellets
    Feeding Schedule: 2-3 times daily

    Spawning Details
    Date of First Spawn: 10/10/12
    Spawn Time of Day:
    Dates of Consecutive Spawns:
    Courtship Details: Been together whole lives/ no aggresion
    Egg Size:
    Egg Color:
    Egg Count:

    Hatch Details
    Hatch Date:
    Hatch Time of Day:
    # Days after Spawn:
    Larvae Description:

    Larval Tank Details
    Size of Larval Tank:
    Substrate Details:
    Other Tank Decor:
    Filtration Details:
    Lighting Cycle:
    Water Changes:

    Larval Feeding Details
    Food Types:
    Feeding Schedule:

    Date of Settlement Start:
    Days after Hatch:
    Date of Settlement End:
    Description of Fry:

    Grow-Out Tank Details
    Size of Grow-Out Tank:
    Substrate Details:
    Other Tank Decor:
    Filtration Details:
    Lighting Cycle:
    Water Changes:
    Size at Transfer:
    Age at Transfer:

    Grow-Out Feeding Details
    Food Types:
    Feeding Schedule:

    Additional Information
    Miscellaneous Information: Brood stock is just now starting to spawn and will be moved into a proper tank by the end of next month.
    Picture of the pair taking care of their first clutch.
    006 14 - Breeding Journal: Onyx percula

    I will be adding in all the information as they move forward.
    <!-- END TEMPLATE: formoutput -->

  2. #2
    bigbill - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    warren mi
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    Awards Grow Out King - 2011 Grow Out Contest Photo of the Month MBI Participant


    congrats but be prepared for them to stop spawning for a few weeks if not months when u move them
    all so how do u know there onyx ?ture percs all so have the blk onyx only come from one little chunk of reef in the Salmon inlands
    I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.
    Steve Irwin

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by bigbill View Post
    congrats but be prepared for them to stop spawning for a few weeks if not months when u move them
    all so how do u know there onyx ?ture percs all so have the blk onyx only come from one little chunk of reef in the Salmon inlands
    Thx and I am more than prepared, I kind of just want it done so they can start settling into the new place.

    I know there onyx percs, because I did my homework before buying them, did all that fin counting stuff and know who I bought them from. And it has been a while since I read up on that, so anyone who knows better than I please educate me(that's why I'm here), but I believe the onyx part is the color variation which in the wild didn't happen very often.
    There are some here from New Guinea.
    Saltwater Clown Fish - Aquatic Connection

    These ones were bred captively, but who knows where their parents came from. Their parent fish have very nice color and no mis bars, and from what I know are very good stock. Not all brood stock is equal some just have really awesome genetics.

  4. #4
    bigbill - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TanksEveryWhere View Post
    Thx and I am more than prepared, I kind of just want it done so they can start settling into the new place.

    I know there onyx percs, because I did my homework before buying them, did all that fin counting stuff and know who I bought them from. And it has been a while since I read up on that, so anyone who knows better than I please educate me(that's why I'm here), but I believe the onyx part is the color variation which in the wild didn't happen very often.
    There are some here from New
    Saltwater Clown Fish - Aquatic Connection

    These ones were bred captively, but who knows where their parents came from. Their parent fish have very nice color and no mis bars, and from what I know are very good stock. Not all brood stock is equal some just have really awesome genetics.
    like i said only from Solomon islands witch is off the east cost of papa new Guinea gl with them love this color of Amphiprion percula
    I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.
    Steve Irwin

  5. #5
    fishtal - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Waterford, MI
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    Just a couple of notes to add here...

    Species: A. percula, Onyx variant. "Onyx" has nothing to do with the species.
    Social Structure: Relates to the inter action between the fish... monogamous pairs, harems, etc. Not the environment they are housed in.

    Pics: Photos that show true coloration is important in determining species... A. percula, A. ocellaris, etc.
    Save a fish, Breed your own!

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