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DIY Projects & Plans

Member Projects/Mods/Fabrications/Tools and Techniques. Full build threads for reefs should be posted in Member Reefs.

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  1. need glass drilled

    I have a new 220 build that i'm doing a CL on and I'm looking for someone who can drill two holes in the back glass for 1-1/2 bulkheads. I would...
    Started by rfgonzo, 12-12-2017 02:33 PM
  2. DIY Mesh Top to Keep Fish From Jumping

    Thought I would share the cover I have been using to keep fish from jumping out of my tank. I have been using this mesh for tops for about 3 years...
    Started by jimsflies, 09-22-2009 03:08 PM
    3 Pages
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  3. LED light build- need help

    I need to know which blue and white combonations I can run off of these 2 drivers- meanwell lpc-35-700 and meanwell eln-60-48 One is...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 01-21-2017 04:27 PM
  4. 29 Biocube build help please

    New to the hobby and purchased a 29 Biocube to keep a small reef. I'd like a canopy other then the original and a refugium. Any help would be...
    Started by Lee, 04-28-2016 06:04 PM
  5. need light advise

    Hey guys, Are there any general recommendations for the brightness of the lamps? What I want to make now is a simple T5 fixture. I am in a process...
    Started by brightgeral, 11-30-2015 12:48 PM
  6. Need Suggestions for new biuild

    Reefers, I am banking on your advice on a new build that will soon start. The configuration is as follows: 36 inch *36 inch foot print....
    Started by Manoj's Reef, 03-16-2014 10:50 AM
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  7. Want to add Violet LED's!

    Hello, I would like to add 6 of these to my current LED/Halide combo unit. As of today, I have 1 250W 14K Phoenix, and 4 Phillips Luxeon M...
    Started by Poseidon, 05-24-2015 10:42 AM
  8. New Stand for new equipment

    So, I've been having some issues with my current set up. Some of them are my fault. Since I've had some challenges, I've decided to reconfigure...
    Started by creefer, 09-16-2014 10:08 PM
    5 Pages
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  9. RO storage project.

    After the ro getting left on over night for the hundredth flood I decided it was time for something better than a brute can for storage. After...
    Started by Joefish, 05-01-2011 01:13 PM
  10. Basic Arduino Controller for LED Systems

    For those of you asking about a simple controller I have made up a shopping list for a basic controller with enclosure and 16x2 LCD that will control...
    Started by SaltyDog, 10-07-2011 11:59 PM
    2 Pages
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  11. Mounting lights HELP!

    Ok so my ceiling and walls are not an option to hang my 13lb LED unit. This leaves me with either mounting conduit to my tank stand or some how to...
    Started by MizTanks, 05-30-2014 01:09 PM
    2 Pages
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  12. Help me design a new tank!

    Was doing a nano reef for about a year but had a light quit, and then a couple days later the filter sprung a leak so now i've lost my coral. My one...
    Started by Chris Dobbs, 05-04-2014 02:07 AM
    3 Pages
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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

    Besides being a great resource for all levels of reef aquarium hobbyists, CaptiveReefs is a social experience that will enhance your enjoyment of reefkeeping. CaptiveReefs is committed to connecting reefkeepers with the support and information they need to grow beautiful coral reef aquariums.


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