how about after?
how about after?
A lot depends on the lights you have - how much par they put out - and what you have in the tank that needs light. I have seen guys on here with as short a photo period as 6 hours, and others running lights for 10. I have T5 light fixtures with quality bulbs, and mine turn on at noon, and turn off after 8PM. I have run them as late as 10PM, but I scaled them back. I have a broad array of corals which all seem to do well enough, and a maxima clam that probably would grow better with more light, but it never shows any displeasure in what he gets.
I still consider myself a novice at all of this, so take my advice with a grain of salt...
Quick update, moved heater, swapped one of the sponges in the back for filter floss. Ordered some chemi-pure elite to also add in there.
Nothing has died thankfully as I've had 4 snails and 5 hermit crabs in there since start. Pretty sure I have a serpent star/ brittle star in there that came in the rock.
Diatoms might be falling off bit now I have some kind of plant like algae or something growing all over ( but not on the LR).
Hoping to get some more rock this weekend and test the water/ do a partial change.