Well I got these frags in the mail last week, but had some issues finding the battery charger for our camera. I finally have pics and am ready to get this contest going!
All of the frags did well in shipping. I have removed them all from the plugs and glued them to rockwork in my 15 Gallon Nano that we setup as part of the nano contest.
Here are the polyps that we're starting out with (I have named them to make them easier for me to track in the future):
King Midas - 5 polyps
Mean Green - 4 poyps
Almond Joy - 5 polyps
Safecrackers - 5 polyps
Baboon Butts - 8 polyps
Aussie Invaders - 4 polyps
Egg Drops - 5 polyps
Dexters - 5 polyps