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Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

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  1. #1
    rosebud161616 - Reefkeeper
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    Default Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Well I got these frags in the mail last week, but had some issues finding the battery charger for our camera. I finally have pics and am ready to get this contest going!

    All of the frags did well in shipping. I have removed them all from the plugs and glued them to rockwork in my 15 Gallon Nano that we setup as part of the nano contest.

    Here are the polyps that we're starting out with (I have named them to make them easier for me to track in the future):

    King Midas - 5 polyps
    Midas - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Mean Green - 4 poyps
    Green - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Almond Joy - 5 polyps
    Blue - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Safecrackers - 5 polyps
    PinkRing - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Baboon Butts - 8 polyps
    OrangeRing - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Aussie Invaders - 4 polyps
    DragonEye - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Egg Drops - 5 polyps
    purple - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    Dexters - 5 polyps
    FireIce - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags
    Last edited by rosebud161616; 02-11-2012 at 09:19 AM.
    Likes AJ :) liked this post

  2. #2
    Sir Patrick - Reefkeeper A2 Club Coordinator
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  3. #3
    thefishgirl - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Good luck!!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    rosebud161616 - Reefkeeper
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    Unfortunately I have lost about half of the frags. They didn't seem to be held down very well to begin with (one actually came off the plug in shipping) and that mixed with a halloween hermit crab = disappearing zoas. I'm hoping that they might magically appear out of the rock work since the flow isn't very high in here, but no luck so far. The 4 that are left are doing great so far though, so fingers crossed that one of them is the frag picked!

    I'll have to get new pics and polyp counts soon. Every time I took pics they were outdated because another frag would disappear. Hopefully after this weekend things will settle down a bit and I'll grab some...

  6. #6
    rosebud161616 - Reefkeeper
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    Finally some pics. Unfortunately things seem to not be going so well with these...

    King Midas - 1 plus baby -- change: -3
    KingMidas - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    egg drops - 5 -- no change
    purple - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    dexters - 4 -- no change
    FireIce - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    aussie invaders - 4 change: -1
    DragonEye - Rosebud161616's Growout Frags

    I'm not sure what the deal is with these. All of the other zoas in this tank are doing awesome. I'm going to move the king midas into higher flow because they are really not looking good. Nutrients are pretty high in the tank so it will get a large water change and I'm going to go on an aiptasia nuking rampage...

  7. #7

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