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Discussion about Controllers, Pumps, Lights, Heaters, Skimmers, and other reefkeeping equipment.

Page 51 of 113 First ... 41 49 50 51 52 53 61 101 ... Last
  1. Vortech pumps

    So.. All I hear from people who own these things is how great they are and now Im seriously considering getting one, I've been looking at...
    Started by XSiVE, 08-24-2010 12:54 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Flow & Plumbing
  2. Lighting

    I wanted to add 39 or 40 watts of lighting to my tank. Currently I have two 39W ATI T5 VHO bulbs on a retrofit kit for my custom hood. Basically, I...
    Started by ETBReefer05, 08-19-2010 06:47 PM


    Lighting/ LED
  3. Super bright LEDs

    www.superbrightleds.com Anyone else check this sight out?
    Started by MizTanks, 08-16-2010 10:32 PM


    Lighting/ LED
  4. Sump

    Any opinions on this sump for my 26g bow front? Would I have to do any drilling on my tank to use this? ...
    Started by MizTanks, 08-18-2010 03:28 PM


    Flow & Plumbing
  5. Nova Extreams??

    Can I get some feed back on these lights? I'm looking at the t5 HO 96w. However it doesn't look like they come with atenic nor moon leds. In which...
    Started by MizTanks, 08-17-2010 12:11 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Lighting/ T5
  6. seeing as the par 38's are not available right now-

    Can ya give me a heads up on this??? ...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 08-12-2010 12:20 AM


    Lighting/ LED
  7. Sick of skimmer, should I sell it or try to fix it? Pros, cons...advice please!

    So the skimmer that came with the second-hand Biocube is an SR3 from CPR Aquatics. It has proved to be a nuisance in the short time I've had it. No...
    Started by mrs.som, 08-11-2010 07:02 PM


    Nano Reef
  8. Light timing?

    Hello, I tried searching around for the answer but couldn't think of the right keywords for my search. I have two timers and would like to hook...
    Started by mrs.som, 08-11-2010 12:13 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Nano Reef
  9. Gen-X

    i am looking for the gen-X PCX20 pump at stores and cant find it, anyone know where to find one besides online. Im wanting to put it on the heater in...
    Started by Corvette Reefer, 08-09-2010 05:05 PM


    Flow & Plumbing
  10. 100 gal sump

    I use a rubber maid 100 gal tank for my sump works great. I have plumbed the return pump in the bottom and I have a emergency over flow about 4...
    Started by rott, 08-04-2010 02:44 PM


    Flow & Plumbing
  11. CUtter 7Ups

    Evil Can you givea brother some tips on wiring these? They are on a board so do I only need one positive and one negative to power all seven?
    Started by Mike, 07-30-2010 10:58 PM


    Lighting/ LED
  12. Corals suited for CF?

    Fill this up y'all! What corals would be best suited for CF??
    Started by MizTanks, 07-31-2010 12:47 AM


    Lighting/ PC

Page 51 of 113 First ... 41 49 50 51 52 53 61 101 ... Last

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