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Identification Forum

Did you find something you have no idea what it is? Post a photo or two and description and let's try to figure it out.

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  1. Egg Mass?

    Hi, This morning I saw what appears to be an egg mass in my tank. It looks like tiny red eggs in a gelatenous mass with a mucus coating and was...
    Started by Coydt, 04-13-2016 10:21 PM


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  2. Are these sponges? ?

    Are these sponges? ? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
    Started by eveningstar15, 04-19-2016 07:51 PM


    Other Invert
  3. What are these??

    What are these?? Are they bad?? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
    Started by eveningstar15, 06-06-2017 08:08 PM


    Other Invert
  4. I'd this coral

    I don't think this is what I thought it was. Can you tell me what it is? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
    Started by eveningstar15, 02-19-2017 05:37 PM


  5. What is this ?

    Anyone now what this is?
    Started by lngliv3, 12-05-2016 05:32 PM


  6. Need an id on this coral

    Started by shadowlord, 09-14-2016 01:23 PM


  7. Mushroom ?

    anyone know if this is a mushroom or what type. I was told at the fish store it was a mushroom (thats all they told me). I liked the look of it but...
    Started by almartz68, 05-08-2016 07:43 PM


  8. Help with an id on coral

    Hello all. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of coral this so I can research it before I possibly buy it down the road Thanks in advance
    Started by Sdavidson2223, 05-02-2015 06:58 PM


  9. ID please???

    I found this on my coral frag. Anyone know what it is?? Is it good or bad???
    Started by eveningstar15, 09-22-2013 06:51 PM


    Other Invert
  10. Name this Coral please

    Wife got this some time back... when closed you cannot see polyps at all. When feeding Duncan's next to it readily accepts food
    Started by techyguy, 07-19-2014 10:35 AM


  11. eggs of some sort?

    Came home today and saw this strange looking string shaped thing on the inside of our tank attached to the glass, anyone know what it is?
    Started by pmrowlson, 09-08-2014 03:33 PM


    Other Invert
  12. Encrusting Coral ID?

    I bought a frag o' xenia about 2 weeks ago and it's really doing well. But I just noticed last night that between some of the xenia stalks and around...
    Started by Kyle Markwardt, 06-03-2014 08:43 AM



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