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Egg Mass?

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  1. #1
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    Default Egg Mass?


    This morning I saw what appears to be an egg mass in my tank. It looks like tiny red eggs in a gelatenous mass with a mucus coating and was about 1 inch in diameter. My thought would be snail eggs. I have astrea and nerite snails so they might be theirs. Any thoughts?


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  2. #2
    MizTanks - Reefkeeper
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    Belongs to neither one of those snails. What else do you have in the tank?
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  3. #3
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    As to what other inhabitants are in the tank, aside from the astrea and nerite snails, a few scarlet hermits, few blue hermits, one electric blue hermit, many tiny seastars, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp, 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 flame angel, 1 yellow tang, and 1 yellow goby.

    I do have a corals and a rose anemone, but cannot imagine them producing an eggmass like this. However, the hatched critters appear similar to the planula larval stage of cnidarians.

    Unfortunately I don't have a better picture. I did get a sample last night. By this morning there were tiny critters swimming around (so they were viable). When I observed them with a microscope they were cilliated and about a 1/4 mm long. It appears that most all of them have hatched in the tank. I have a vial of a few of them, not sure what to do with them.Name:  20160414_113037.jpg
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  4. #4
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