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Large Polyp Stoney (LPS) Corals

A discussion forum for large polyp stoney corals including Euphyllia,, Welsophillia, Cynarina, etc.

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  1. Acan Lord Placement Near Each Other-

    Can you put acan lord close or touching each other of different morphs/colonies of other acan lord? Wanting to group my collection together, but...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 01-31-2018 07:17 PM
  2. Michigan Coral Expo & Swap-Phantom Reefing

    Hello guys, Just wanted to share a few of the corals I will be bringing to this upcoming swap in Lansing! Hope to see everyone there!
    Started by phamtonreefing, 01-17-2018 06:35 PM
  3. Id

    I don't think this is what I thought it was. What is it?? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
    Started by eveningstar15, 02-19-2017 04:19 PM
  4. Duncan Coral

    Everything in my tank is doing great. Since my last water change about a week ago my Duncan has not been opening. It partially opens when the...
    Started by ShockSniper, 04-07-2015 01:25 PM
  5. Acanthophyllia irritated?

    My acanthophyllia has had one side "pinched" up recently when expanded. I noticed this red spikey object under the pinched area on the skeleton when...
    Started by NaturalImage, 07-27-2015 09:03 PM
  6. Is this a hammer or frogspawn?

    This was supposed to be a frogspawn but I think it looks more like a hammer. What do you think??
    Started by eveningstar15, 03-21-2016 04:11 PM
  7. Help my Fungia.

    I've tried placing this plate everywhere. Target feed it reef frenzy 2-3x weekly. It just won't perk up. Splotchy skin, very short tentacles and a...
    Started by MizTanks, 07-28-2015 08:19 AM
    3 Pages
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  8. This one seems to have enjoyed the move-

    Settled in nice-
    Started by Sir Patrick, 08-08-2015 03:03 AM
  9. What is up with my Acan?!

    Haven't changed a thing. Parameters stable. No other corals showing signs of stress. Going on 2nd full days looking like this. It use to look...
    Started by MizTanks, 04-17-2015 11:36 AM
    2 Pages
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  10. Looking for a good small coral that will be good for a small pair of clowns

    Hi just got my nano the way I want it, and I am ready to add some easy, clown fish, hermit crab, firefish, friendly corals. Preferably something the...
    Started by Gr8birds, 09-02-2012 09:16 AM
    3 Pages
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  11. Can you overfeed your corals ?

    I am just wondering if you can actually overfeed your corals. I use seachem reef plus & trace twice a week and Reef energy A & B twice a week. I...
    Started by Lesley, 06-21-2014 06:22 PM
    2 Pages
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  12. Please I.D.

    First coral I've ever bought without knowing what it is. It's sooo freaking beautiful!! $12 :) Actual color is a very bright fluorescent light...
    Started by MizTanks, 01-05-2015 04:15 PM

Page 1 of 22 1 2 3 11 ... Last

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