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Large Polyp Stoney (LPS) Corals

A discussion forum for large polyp stoney corals including Euphyllia,, Welsophillia, Cynarina, etc.

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  1. Micromussa: who keeps them, who sells them, who photographs them?

    Hey folks.... just wondering if there's any micromussa freaks still out there. They were the rage about 3 or 4 years ago, but now rarely a peep. I...
    Started by pjr, 12-12-2010 09:23 AM
  2. A Chalice in need of a little HELP

    It is a little rough around the edges, But, I think it has potential.
    Started by Invert, 11-30-2010 07:49 PM
  3. When Feeding Fish or Corals, Do you turn off your Return Pump ?

    Information is the Key to Success. When feeding your Fish or Corals, Do you turn off your Return Pump ? If you do not, Is most your your food...
    Started by Invert, 11-14-2010 05:07 PM
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  4. best placement for lobophyllia frag

    So I picked this frag up a few weeks back at Kee's. And now I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to place it. Should I leave it on its side...
    Started by jstan, 11-08-2010 10:28 AM
  5. new plate and zoa

    got these to today plate zoas
    Started by bigbill, 11-13-2010 04:10 PM
  6. My Elegance and open brain doesn't look good

    My elegance and one of the open brains haven't looked good in days. I've tested and done a couple water changes but still doesn't look much better....
    Started by JMALACHI, 11-03-2010 08:34 AM
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  7. What's wrong with my Duncan?

    I can't pick just one thing that may have caused this as I had a few things going on. 2 of which were bought a nano Korillia, ran it for 2 days...
    Started by MizTanks, 10-28-2010 02:09 PM
  8. Acan Lord care

    Does anyone have a good article or link that explains how to care for acan lords? Mine seem to be fine, but I wanted to make sure there aren't...
    Started by greenstarfish03, 10-25-2010 09:37 AM
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  9. ok what is it?

    so the other day i go into fish doctors and pick up a mussid. it has multiple mouths and it kinda looks like its spreading out in a jagged looking...
    Started by jimi, 10-24-2010 10:54 PM
  10. Brown Jelly?

    Well i noticed that a few of my heads of frogspawn were having issues. Saw a lil brown stuff but kinda shrugged it off. Just look at the tank again...
    Started by EMUreef, 10-16-2010 09:26 PM
  11. Chalice, what makes it a "watermellon"?

    So I see chalices for sale all the time and I can't for the life of me tell why some are called "watermellon" chalice. IME it's nothing to do with...
    Started by XSiVE, 10-13-2010 10:11 PM
    2 Pages
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  12. Reef Nutrition.....which ONE

    Curious to hear what people think is the the most beneficial one or two recipes of Reef Nutrition for broadcast feeding in our reefs and why?
    Started by ReeferRob, 09-28-2010 10:22 AM
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