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Large Polyp Stoney (LPS) Corals

A discussion forum for large polyp stoney corals including Euphyllia,, Welsophillia, Cynarina, etc.

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  1. Western aussie mini scoly

    I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the western aussie mini scoly? I was thinking about getting one but i am trying to find more...
    Started by eveningstar15, 02-11-2015 11:44 AM
  2. Wht a difference light intensity/spectrum and water parameter can make- Acan Echinata

    Went from this- to this, in about 2 months-
    Started by Sir Patrick, 01-19-2015 11:11 PM
  3. Please help!

    Save my 5+yr old Christmas Favia! For the past 6 months I've had it center tank, on SB. No problems until last week. It has started to bleach on top...
    Started by MizTanks, 01-04-2015 12:49 PM
  4. LPS I.D. Please!

    Got it from the swap here. Cannot remember the name. It started wee small with a very pretty red mouth. It has since changed, due to lighting I'm...
    Started by MizTanks, 09-05-2014 10:26 AM
  5. What do you think this is on my Hammer??

    I recently upgraded my lighting and my Hammer is responding great, producing about 6 new baby heads. However, almost overnight 2 long white...
    Started by Myers13, 09-24-2014 01:33 AM
    2 Pages
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  6. Trumpet coral with little white pinched spots.

    Hey, all! My trumpet has happily been splitting by getting two mouths in the middle then pinching together. However, I have noticed one head with...
    Started by Briol, 03-22-2014 12:28 PM
  7. YR Ironman unknown? ?

    I purchased this from Your Reef and they just called it YR Ironman unknown. ..Does anyone know what it is? ?
    Started by eveningstar15, 04-05-2014 05:11 PM
  8. Duncans at night?

    I had a real nice colony of Duncans go to the crapper on me when I moved them around in my tank. Got worse when a Frog Spawn fell onto it for as long...
    Started by dlhirst, 04-17-2014 01:29 PM
  9. What is on my Hammer?

    Does anyone know what is on the side of my Hammer coral?
    Started by eveningstar15, 04-07-2014 03:46 PM
  10. getting an acanthophyillia to color up

    about 2 years ago i got an acanthophyllia and it bleached almost immediately. though the weeks following it regained most of its color. but it have...
    Started by dputt88, 03-28-2014 11:34 AM
  11. acan or lobo?

    I picked up this piece last week and was told it was a acan. After looking on web i think it might be a lobo. It's polyps are a good 1" dia. can u...
    Started by Rpalt1, 01-05-2014 01:11 PM
  12. Removing frag plugs

    Whats the best way to remove frags from plugs so i can mount them to my rock?
    Started by Rpalt1, 12-23-2013 09:56 PM

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