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Large Polyp Stoney (LPS) Corals

A discussion forum for large polyp stoney corals including Euphyllia,, Welsophillia, Cynarina, etc.

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  1. damaged corals from the LFS

    My LFS got a cold shipment in and some of the LPS were damaged.Ended up scoring this red Lobophyllia and anothe "maze brain" that was sold as...
    Started by davejnz, 12-12-2004 01:19 PM
  2. Euphyllia buds

    I was checking out my hammer coral at night when the polyps withdraw and noticed about 4 tiny buds growing off the skeleton where the tissue meets it...
    Started by davejnz, 10-28-2004 11:35 AM
  3. my new brain

    Just got this maze brain yesterday,The thing is so big i had to re-aquascape for it.Its perfectly healthy,no recession around the edges.Looks to be...
    Started by davejnz, 11-02-2004 04:45 PM
  4. fragged my maze brain

    Well,I borrowed a 4" grinder from work yesterday to do some work on my boat.Was inside looking at my corals and thought i should perform some surgery...
    Started by davejnz, 10-26-2004 11:02 AM
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  5. Open Brain feeding

    OK help me out just traded for a Yellow open Brain coral i no Thea need to be feed i have offered it little bits of shrimp and squirted some Brine...
    Started by jerryc, 10-14-2004 09:28 PM
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  6. Poor Little Candy Cane

    #ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#LOL, i hope so, did you get any good pics of the zoas for me??#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#
    Started by 0vicodinstore, 10-04-2005 10:13 AM
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  7. Sun Coral

    Yep... be patient and observe. You may have begun a war in your tank... anemone's are territorial and chemical warfare is more than likely. Are you...
    Started by 0vicodinstore, 09-20-2005 08:43 AM
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  8. Coral placement

    Thanks, really strugled with not putting some sort of HID light over it for her, the biggest thing was that I didn't want to worry over it being in...
    Started by Xpect, 08-17-2005 07:54 AM

    go with a refugium. i use tap water for everything. it just depends on TDS of your water. we have very hard water in our area so i don't need to add...
    Started by srgsg, 07-21-2005 11:02 PM
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  10. Hammer Coral receeding!

    That works for me... Hope when combined with Repto's info this will give you a good start and idea of where to begin. Be sure to post your progress...
    Started by dakar, 05-01-2005 05:26 PM
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