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Marine Fish

Reef-safe fish, non-reef fish, diseases and treatment, seahorses, pipefish, and fish breeding can be discussed here.

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  1. Sticky Thread Quarantine Tanks

    QT is continuously underated, mistreated and misunderstood in the hobby. Of course they're used for treating fish, if necessary, but their main...
    Started by stunreefer, 04-06-2010 11:16 AM
    2 Pages
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  1. Blue Ribbon Eel

    Yes these eels are fishes, and we had ours for 6 years...
    Started by SantaMonicaHelp, 11-10-2021 07:24 PM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  2. Can anyone tell me how many colors of molly fish are there?

    Until today I had thought that only few colors are mollies which are Yellow, Black, and Silver/White. But today I learned about the various types...
    Started by GeraldDay, 11-05-2019 01:29 AM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  3. Sixline Wrasse?

    I would love to add one to my tank. But do I dare? Current fish are, Royal Gramma, Bi-Colored Blenny, Banggai Cardinal and a Yellow Watchman Goby....
    Started by MizTanks, 05-22-2015 10:23 PM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  4. Bringing reef fish back from Mexico.

    I will be going to Playa Del Carmen Mexico in late August. Has anyone brought wild caught, or store bought live fish back from across the border? I...
    Started by Edward Leising, 07-12-2018 09:14 PM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  5. I wouldn't believe it either, but right before my eyes...

    So about 6 weeks ago or so I bought a young black ice clownfish from pet shop, that had been locally spawned. He did very well for a little more than...
    Started by TnJ2, 09-18-2017 05:30 PM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  6. Suggestion with marine fish

    I have 3 clown fish at home, can you suggest other fish I can add that will not fight them?
    Started by gustavowoltmann, 10-25-2016 10:46 AM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  7. spotted mandarins

    I have 2 young spotted mandarins in my tank. They are both eating very well from a feeding station that is restocked at least 3 times a day and...
    Started by Gr8birds, 04-21-2016 01:09 AM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  8. Mixing in some clowns - Sebae and Occy's

    i know the general rule of thumb is "dont do it".... that said... have a tank (roughly 375g - lets call it a reverse corner tank - flat back to...
    Started by Berne, 10-07-2015 11:33 AM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  9. Huma with queen angel

    I have a 90 gallon with the following fish: Huma, Niger trigger, 2 chromis, and a clown. I was told that if I want a small queen, I would need to...
    Started by Mikes145, 07-12-2015 09:45 PM


    Non-Reef Fish
  10. Fish list for 65 gallon FOWLR

    Hello all. I am currently letting my 65 gallon FOWLR cycle and wanted to get input on a the fish that I want to stock it with. This is my first...
    Started by Sdavidson2223, 04-07-2015 01:25 PM


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  11. Clownfish - Why Can't we Get Along?

    I've heard two different answers to the same question so I thought I'd get a bigger sample size (hopefully) by asking here on the forums: I have a...
    Started by 989ShellyJ, 12-17-2014 09:08 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Reef Aquarium Fish
  12. I never knew a File fish could look this nice

    So I recently met a guy and he had this swimming around in his tank. I immeadiately asked what type of fish it was and he replied a Orange spotted...
    Started by Tropical Buff, 02-13-2015 12:48 PM


    Reef Aquarium Fish

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