Hello all. I am currently letting my 65 gallon FOWLR cycle and wanted to get input on a the fish that I want to stock it with. This is my first saltwater tank that I have had, but I have had around 20 years in freshwater tanks. I have only had it cycling for about a week so I know I still have a long way to go, but I want to do my research so I do not stress or kill any of the fish with an incompatible. I also wanted to know what kind of cleanup crew I should get eventually. I am really only set on the clown fish (I have two little girls that love Nemo, but I told them we can't get a blue tang because it needs a bigger tank). I am looking at more of a peaceful tank at this point. Eventually I think I will change over my bigger tank (off the top of my head its 220 gallons or so) to a semi-aggressive tank.
2 True Percula Clown fish
Bicolor dottyback - I am not sure if this will work if it is to aggressive
Hoevens Wrasse
Six Line Wrasse - I am not sure if this will work if it is to aggressive
Elegant firefish
Royal Gamma Basslet
Pajama Cardinalfish
Tank info -
2 - Zoo Med Coral Sun Actinic 420 Coral Bulb T8 32 Watts, 48-Inch
50 - 60 ponds live rock
40 lbs of CaribSea Arag-Alive figi pink
2 Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 - 850 GPH
Aqua Clear 110 filter
HOT magnum filter (I am debating on putting 2 of these instead of the Aqua Clear)
I plan on getting a a protein skimmer in the future