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Member's Reefs

A forum for members to showoff and document progress.

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  1. 220g work tank

    My boss ordered in a 220g marineland RR tank. I went to see it today when I picked up my seahares she ordered for me. It is HUGE!! It is going...
    Started by Sea~Horse~Whisperer, 02-09-2007 09:49 PM
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  2. JustDavidP's New Clam Tank Project

    Get ready...cause I've been busy... After ripping down my 75G, I found myself wishing for reef again... A couple 2X3's later...and a DIY tank...
    Started by JustDavidP, 01-04-2007 01:07 PM
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  3. All about the Build My 95g

    Well I couldn't figure a better place to put this (if the mods want to move it great and thanks). I figure I'll take some pics as I go so everyone...
    Started by lamajo25, 11-14-2006 08:25 PM
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    so i am getting real close to setting up my dual 40 gallons. here are some general specs. it's 2 40 gal glass tanks sitting on an open frame 125...
    Started by mummra, 06-17-2006 10:37 PM
    3 Pages
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  5. Aquaman3680 90 Gallon Tank

    I am new to this site and decided i needed to get a thread of my 90 going. Ok so I have had my 90 set up for 3 months now. I had a 60 before, set up...
    Started by aquaman3680, 06-20-2006 02:10 AM
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  6. Planted SW tank - Project log

    Finally got our 29g (what WILL be) planted tank hooked into the main system. Looking like a wasteland for the moment, but the macros are taking root...
    Started by dakar, 05-24-2005 01:31 AM
  7. How to Hijack a thread.....Tank thread w/ links

    Thought the name needed to be changed. :D Hey folks, sorry i've been MIA around here lately, but I have a good excuse. :) We upgraded our...
    Started by ereefic, 04-01-2005 01:31 PM
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  8. My 40 breeder/project log

    Got all the frame work built today for the stand.Gonna do all the finishing and trim work tommorow.Tank came in and looks great,had it drilled on the...
    Started by davejnz, 01-24-2005 12:38 AM
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  9. 20 gal. tank pics

    Tell me what you think. Or go here for all pics http://photobucket.com/albums/v725/fishfreak/ Thanks
    Started by FIshFreak, 03-31-2005 03:25 PM
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  10. Dakar & Angel's Reef! Pictures :)

    I finally got around to taking a bunch of pictures of the tank since we changed from the 55G and moved into our luxurious 180G! We never thought...
    Started by Reef_Angel, 02-16-2005 01:22 PM
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