Hey all...
Been lurking around here for a year now and finally set up a system about a month ago. I set up a 34g Solana and so far so good. Since I'm at work, pics will have to wait until the evening. Here's where I sit currently.
- Solana 34 g & Stand
- Maxspect G2-110 LED
- 1 Koralia Nano 425gph
- ATO from autotopoff
- MJ900 for ATO
- 5-Stage RODI (more on this later....)
- 150w Stealth Heater
I have a few items on the wish list. Started the tank with Agra-alive sand, dry base rock, and seeded it with some choice coralline LR. Cycled fine, did first WC and now have GHA everywhere. I know this sometimes happens post cycle however I attribute some of it to my mistake in the RODI. I ordered a build your own RODI from BRS and forgot the DI stage when orderingShould have ordered sober I guess. Anyway, I was getting some TDS out of the thing which inspired me to look further into it. That's when I noticed I had f'd up, so I ordered a DI canister (Should arrive today or tomorrow) and will now have a 5-Stage RODI. So, I will also need to do a larger WC as a result.
Right now, I'm running a mini fuge in the second chamber. I have it set up top down as follows: filter floss, purigen, chaeto, chemi-pure elite. Hopefully this, along with new water, will help with the GHA (just added chemi-pure elite yesterday, 6.5oz bag). Params are pretty good so far. Amm=0, trites=0, trates=5ppm, NO4=0, salinity =1.025, and temp=79*.
All I need now is an MP10 and a controller with some probes and I'm good to go.
Thanks for checking in.....Pics later....