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Tazzy's new adventure

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  1. #1
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi

    Default Tazzy's new adventure

    well been helping a buddy set up a reef tank and it started an itch in me again so i have decided to start a mini reef.

    so here it is i already had a 29g tank stand and light usual basic fw setup that i decided to convert

    i added a aquac remora skimmer to it took off the hob filter it had and a small korlia power-head pump that is it for equipment

    I am doing this setup stupid simple bare minimal as for equipment

    for rock sand I have 40 lbs of crushed coral and dry agg sand mixed 50/50 and about 30lbs of rock

    i have added a pair of clowns and 4 blue green chromis to the tank for fish

    future fish are going to be a lawnmower bleny, 6line wrasse and maby a dwarf angel either coral beauty or flame angel

    for corals it is going to be all softies so far only thing in it is a leather
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  2. #2
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    well unfortunately i lost my clowns reminds me why i don't buy live stuff from pet-co well today i went and got me a coral beauty and a bunch and cleanup crew

    i also got photo bucket working I think so here are some pictures

    20170618 211308 zps4jyfrqqa - Tazzy's new adventure

    20170618 211213 zpsjkdzd9mf - Tazzy's new adventure

    20170618 140338 zpssgprzume - Tazzy's new adventure
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  3. #3
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    Well went and picked up a cleaner shrimp because i see some white spots on the coral beauty

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  4. #4
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    So far so good shrimp is cleaning the angel

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then
    Likes Tom@HaslettMI liked this post

  5. #5
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    Got some vid of the angel visiting the cleaner
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  6. #6
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    Well due to tech issues with photobucket i cant post right now
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  7. #7
    jimsflies - Reefkeeper

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    Aug 2009
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    Welcome back Tazzy!
    Likes tazzy695 liked this post

  8. #8
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    Thanks its been a while
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  9. #9
    tazzy695 - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    flint, mi


    Well glad to say it coral beauty is looking great and im not seeing spots on it now
    I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011

    reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then

  10. #10
    MizTanks - Reefkeeper
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    Oct 2009
    U.P. of Michigan.
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    Awards Photo of the Month - October 2012 Photo of the Month Post and Reply Award - Winner of the first PAR Contest. Monthly Giveaway Winner


    Hey Taz!! Welcome home

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    There's nothing like being a Reefer! www.upmmas.com

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