well been helping a buddy set up a reef tank and it started an itch in me again so i have decided to start a mini reef.
so here it is i already had a 29g tank stand and light usual basic fw setup that i decided to convert
i added a aquac remora skimmer to it took off the hob filter it had and a small korlia power-head pump that is it for equipment
I am doing this setup stupid simple bare minimal as for equipment
for rock sand I have 40 lbs of crushed coral and dry agg sand mixed 50/50 and about 30lbs of rock
i have added a pair of clowns and 4 blue green chromis to the tank for fish
future fish are going to be a lawnmower bleny, 6line wrasse and maby a dwarf angel either coral beauty or flame angel
for corals it is going to be all softies so far only thing in it is a leather