20170706_084848 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170706_084848 by marcp31, on Flickr
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and thenMizTanks liked this post
Yea using tapatalk
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then
snapped a couple of pics of my corals
20170708_010331 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170708_010305 by marcp31, on Flickr
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and thenMizTanks liked this post
Added a couple new residents i will put pics up later
2 chocolate clowns and one royal dottyback
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and thenMizTanks liked this post
snapped some pics of the tank tonight
20170711_214355 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214323 by marcp31, on Flickr
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and thenMizTanks liked this post
20170711_214336 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214359 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214402 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214404 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214436 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214412 by marcp31, on Flickr
20170711_214520 by marcp31, on Flickr
Last edited by tazzy695; 07-11-2017 at 10:07 PM. Reason: pic resizing
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and thenMizTanks liked this post
Awesome! ❤️
Thanks i cant wait to get the rest of the rock i need for aquascape
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and then
20170715_204855 by marcp31, on Flickr
got me a new toy it is a bubble master 200
I have been reefing from 08-2007 till 5-2011
reef tanks are like wifes you have to give them some attention every now and thenMizTanks liked this post