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Moby Dick Pet Store

Our philosophy has always been to provide our customers with healthy pets and the knowledge to keep those pets healthy. We sell fish, plants, and invertebrates from around the world, including the common species and the not so common.

  1. Black friday weekend sale!

    Cleaner shrimp $19.88 thru the weekend or til they're gone (brought in 30).
    Started by MobyDick, 11-27-2015 11:39 AM


    New Stock
  2. November Specials

    25% off Tangs & Surgeonfish (excluding those in reef systems). Spend $15 or more on coral, get 25% off. Omega frozen food 20% off.
    Started by MobyDick, 11-05-2015 12:19 PM


  3. specials thru 4 nov 2015

    25% off all butterflies 25% off all crabs & snails Also, I'm closing out a few aquatic life T5 fixtures @ 35% off 1 24" 4 bulb 1 48" 4 bulb 1...
    Started by MobyDick, 10-17-2015 04:35 PM


  4. septenber specials

    pajama cardinals 25% off purchase $50 of corals, take 25% off also, we have a used 90 gallon setup for sale at $450. This includes tank, oak stand...
    Started by MobyDick, 09-09-2015 02:11 PM


  5. august specials

    buy 1 fish, get the 2nd for 35% off* (not including fish in reef systems) buy 1 coral, get the 2nd for 35% off* *equal or lesser value
    Started by MobyDick, 08-13-2015 11:30 AM


  6. February specials

    25% off any single item (I'd take it off the most expensive one). All Tetra filters 25% off Spectrum foods 15% off.
    Started by MobyDick, 02-13-2015 04:34 PM


  7. january specials

    coral beauty angel $19.88 all coral 20% off 29 biocube with stand amd 10 lbs. live rock $450
    Started by MobyDick, 01-09-2015 02:39 PM


  8. October 2014 Saltwater Specials

    All Saltwater Angel Fish: 15% off regular price All Saltwater Coral: buy one get one 25% off (of equal or lesser value) All Saltwater Cleaner...
    Started by MobyDick, 10-16-2014 09:58 AM


  9. August Saltwater Specials

    Spend $50 or more in saltwater livestock and receive 10% off your purchase! Spend $100 or more in saltwater livestock and receive 20% off your...
    Started by MobyDick, 08-01-2014 02:50 PM


  10. Moby Dick Pet Store

    Lets welcome Moby Dick as a sponsor to CR!
    Started by jimsflies, 07-11-2014 09:12 PM


  11. July 2014 Saltwater Specials

    Buy any coral, get the second coral half price. (equal or lesser value) All Tangs are 25% off!!!
    Started by MobyDick, 07-15-2014 10:05 AM



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