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Motor City Corals

Our number one goal is to offer healthy, great quality corals at a reasonable price. We quarantine all corals for a minimum of four weeks before being offered for sale to ensure high quality, pest free specimens for our customers. All corals are grown under a combination of Echotech Radion lights and ATI T5 fixtures with ATI bulbs.

  1. Motorcity corals now offering ME dosing chemicals.

    We are happy to announce our newest addition to the motorcitycorals line up, ME dosing chemicals. we are now offering a full lineup of these...
    Started by Motor city, 06-08-2016 09:05 AM


    New Stock
  2. $25 Acan Sale | Plus take 10% off | MERRY CHRISTMAS from motorcitycorals.com

    ULTRA ACANS ONLY $25 each (PLUS 10% OFF) until midnight on Christmas Eve or while supplies last! Visit motorcitycorals.com to view our selection and...
    Started by Motor city, 12-21-2015 02:24 PM


  3. It's Our Birthday SALE! 10% off storewide at motorcitycorals.com (promo code happy)

    SHIPPING IS JUST $30 flat rate, and anything over $200 ships FREE! We we just added new grafted favia, tons of ultra acans starting at only $25,...
    Started by Motor city, 12-18-2015 09:49 AM


  4. Save 25% this week only! - MOTORCITY'S SUMMER SAVINGS - NEW Frag Packs Added

    Enter promo code SS25 at checkout to enjoy 25% off your purchase. Plus any orders over $200 get FREE shipping! Here are 4 new SPS Frag Packs we...
    Started by Motor city, 08-03-2015 05:54 PM


  5. Motorcity's "Stunners"

    Motor city is Introducing a Few new pieces this week, these are a few corals we have had for some time and really started to get my attention in the...
    Started by Motor city, 01-27-2015 10:07 AM


    New Stock

    Motorcity is Starting the new year off right, here are three of our newest additions. i will be offering up a few packs of all three pieces. Price...
    Started by Motor city, 01-07-2015 11:12 AM


    New Stock
  7. MOTORCITY's Hot Frag pack deals.

    Its time to move some coral's out, offering great deals on frag packs Everything is WYSIWYG, plus shipping, PM me (Joel) With any questions. Pack...
    Started by Motor city, 12-10-2014 11:37 AM


  8. Centerline Frag Swap,

    Well the swap is Approaching quick, i was able to get all kinds of SPS ready to go along with some nice rodactis shrooms, Chalices, and some Gold...
    Started by Motor city, 10-27-2014 11:50 AM


  9. Motor City Corals

    To celebrate Motor city corals grand opening, we have decided to break the ice and invite everyone to check out the website. We are offering 10% off...
    Started by Motor city, 10-19-2014 09:17 PM


  10. Really Nice Stuff!!

    Looking forward to seeing you guys around and picking up some of your premium SPS!
    Started by jakem, 10-19-2014 05:36 PM


  11. Lets Welcome Motor City Corals as a CR Sponsor

    Please give Motor City Corals a warm welcome and thank them for sponsoring CaptiveReefs. Check their website at: http://www.motorcitycorals.com ...
    Started by jimsflies, 10-14-2014 03:07 PM



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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

    Besides being a great resource for all levels of reef aquarium hobbyists, CaptiveReefs is a social experience that will enhance your enjoyment of reefkeeping. CaptiveReefs is committed to connecting reefkeepers with the support and information they need to grow beautiful coral reef aquariums.


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