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Nano Contest

Participants in the CaptiveReefs Nano Contests must post their progress in this forum.

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  1. Sticky Thread 2013 Nano Build Contest Rules and Dates - sponsored by AquaFx

    2013 Nano Contest Contest Schedule Contest Start: January 6, 2013 Last Day to Enter: February 24, 2013 Last Day to add Livestock: April 28,...
    Started by jimsflies, 01-01-2013 10:01 AM
    3 Pages
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  1. pjr's new nano build thread

    Here's new tank thread......The story to follow. ...
    Started by pjr, 01-11-2013 08:17 PM
    4 Pages
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  2. CSQ's 2013 Nano Build

    Due to business demands, I've had to largely step away from reefing for the past 6 months. I've finally gotten to a point I have a little time to...
    Started by CalmSeasQuest, 01-24-2013 07:56 AM
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  3. Rosebud161616's 2013 Nano Contest Submission

    I'm going to keep this first post as the current status of the build, so that it will be easy to find what is currently happening. 1/12/13: Still...
    Started by rosebud161616, 01-04-2013 02:21 PM
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  4. Jstan's nano build

    Starting my thread for the contest, just have to pick the tank now.
    Started by jstan, 01-07-2013 02:48 PM
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  5. 2013 Nano Contest - Sponsored by Aqua Fx - win a Barracuda!!!

    I'm trying to gauge the interest in doing another nano build contest this winter. I'm still arranging the sponsor and prize, but it will be a nice...
    Started by jimsflies, 11-25-2012 05:41 PM


  6. CalmSeasQuest's 2012 Desktop Nano

    I'm going to rebuild the "PuzzleRock" tank that sits on my office desk and was my 21011 Nano tank entry... That tank was a lot of fun to...
    Started by CalmSeasQuest, 01-04-2012 07:24 AM
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  7. 2012 Nano Contest Rules- sponsored by Orphek

    2012 Nano Contest Contest Dates Here is the schedule: Contest Start: January 9, 2012 Last Day to Enter: February 26, 2012 Last Day to add...
    Started by jimsflies, 01-09-2012 09:58 AM
    4 Pages
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  8. Badfish & LittleMermaids 2.5 Nano Build

    Badfish & LittleMermaids Pico Build 2012 Updated Pico Pic: 6/4/2012 Updated Pico Price List- Final: 5/5/2012 Let the fun begin! My Husband...
    Started by TheLittleMermaid, 01-10-2012 08:06 PM
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  9. Phishcrazee's Nano Tank Build

    So I saw this contest on CR's Facebook page and I just went to take a peek, wasn't thinking about entering.........but then I thought if I did enter,...
    Started by phishcrazee, 01-16-2012 10:24 AM
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  10. Tom@HaslettMI's 2012 pico

    This is the official start of my 2012 nano contest tank thread! My entry will be a pico tank that is just shy of 1.5 gallons. Exact equipment and...
    Started by Tom@HaslettMI, 01-05-2012 06:58 PM
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  11. Aj's 15 gallon nano

    I really liked the idea of this contest. There will be lots to learn as I haven't kept a nano before. I think the smallest reef tank I ever had...
    Started by AJ :), 01-08-2012 09:10 AM
    4 Pages
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  12. 2pairs 10 gallon DIY AIO

    OK, I know it has been done before but this time it is all DIY. The tank was a used tank from my breeder setup, the pumps were old used pumps that...
    Started by 2pairs, 01-06-2011 02:20 PM
    11 Pages
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