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Other Marine Life

Anemones, clams, crabs, urchins, starfish, macroalgae, pods, shrimp, snails, mollusks, and worms...basically if it moves and isn't a fish, it probably can be discussed here.

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  1. My new lil guy

    How do I get this guy to stay put
    Started by lngliv3, 11-23-2016 01:40 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2


  2. Fun Mantis Shrimp Video

    Some cool facts about mantis shrimp....
    Started by jimsflies, 12-30-2015 01:30 PM


  3. Rock Flower Anemones

    Anyone addicted to Rock Flower Anemones like I am? lol I have eight nice rock nems in 10 gal nano tank. I love these things. They are super easy to...
    Started by NanoDan, 06-01-2015 01:43 PM


  4. T. Maxima and Light??

    Hey Tom@HaslettMI. I've got a lil 3" T. Maxima. Doing well so far, 2wks in the tank today. I've placed it on a holder center tank on the SB. This...
    Started by MizTanks, 03-21-2015 08:25 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


  5. Banded Shrimp - Anyone have experience?

    I know that they look small, but these guys certainly have some formidable claws... Anyone have any experience with them in a tank with smaller fish?...
    Started by dlhirst, 02-17-2015 04:20 PM


  6. GSP and my Clam?

    I have some GSP growing on the shell of my maxima clam. It's starting to get pretty full, covering perhaps 10-15% of the shell, with some right under...
    Started by dlhirst, 02-10-2015 11:19 AM


  7. Babies or Predator??

    Are these baby snails or something trying to eat my snail????
    Started by Sir Patrick, 01-19-2015 11:51 PM


    Snails & Mollusks
  8. Rbta, if you can't beat 'em...

    My rbta's are officially bulletproof. After doing a major cleaning I noticed some sponges in the first sump tub. After I got my glasses, I noticed...
    Started by Tom Toro, 11-21-2014 05:34 PM


  9. What do you feed your bubble tip anemones?

    I'm wondering what doeseveryone here feed there anemones? I feed table shrimp and silversides. However with my new rose I'm elimanting silversides...
    Started by larryandlaura, 10-24-2014 06:58 AM


  10. Rose bubble tip eating...

    A few pictures of my rbta eating. One of my favorite things to watch in my tank.
    Started by larryandlaura, 10-25-2014 03:56 PM


  11. Flame tip nem.

    Ok so I received my nem yesterday and during the night they decided to split. I know they can but another just super lucky or do these have a high...
    Started by Reefore, 09-19-2014 10:56 PM


  12. Giant Mantis

    Check out this article and picture. Careful where you swim in Florida! Mega-mantis shrimp caught in Florida - Boing Boing
    Started by Hopkins, 09-05-2014 04:27 PM



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