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Crown of Thorns Sea Stars

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  1. #1
    dakar - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Default Crown of Thorns Sea Stars

    Did anyone else catch the show they aired on the Science channel last night about the Crown of Thorns Sea Stars? They aired it last night, but I'm sure they've aired it before and will again. If not definately worthy of the hour or so watching. Very well narrrated and it all made a lot of sense to hear them talk about how and why these critters have managed to proliferate and establish such a foot hold in the reefs.

    Very saddening to see miles and miles and miles of Stahorn and other SPS corals being destroyed by these masters of destruction, they are true WMD's of the reef. Makes me wish I had the capital to take a few months off of work and take a trip to Austrailia to help lend a hand to do whatever I could to help get these guys under control.

    Really spoke volumes to us about what excess nutrients, nitrates, phosphates, etc... if they can allow such an invasive species to run rampant over the Great Barrier Reef like that, think about the effects of high nutrient levels can have on all our captive reefs, even if we combined all of the reef tanks around the world we'd still be just a spec of whats being destoyed daily.
    Every electronic device is manufactured with smoke stored deep inside... only a true genius can find a way to set it free.

  2. #2
    Reefmaniac1 - Reefkeeper Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Greenville, SC


    The Crown of Thorns Sea Star is the natural prey of something, and I can't remember what it is. What I do remember is that the predator has been overfished, allowing the Crown of Thorns to "take off" as it were.
    My reef keeps me (in)sane...I wouldn\'t have it any other way.

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