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Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!

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  1. #1

    Default Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!

    Just posted a lot of new Mushrooms we recently got in stock as well as zoanthids and hundreds of other frags! Check them out, I know I put a few of these in my tank! Great prices!

    WYSIWYG Frag Page:
    All Frags

    Orange on Green Fuzzy Mushroom
    FS286139OrangeonGreenFuzzyMushrooms 300 zpsecb02b10 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Royal Blue Mushroom
    FS285734RoyalBlueMushrooms 300 zps16d64b87 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Purple on Blue Patchwork Mushroom
    FS283524PurpleonBluePatchworkMushroom 300 zps7fa48615 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Fireworks Zoanthids
    FS285389FireworksZoanthids 300 zps98021c9c - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Chili Peppers Mushroom
    FS282122ChiliPeppersMushroom 300 zps450aa9ef - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Ultra Orange Ricordea Yuma
    FS280939UltraOrangeRicordeayuma 300 zps5ee9e4cd - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Orange Rainbow Ricordea florida
    FS280722OrangeRainbowRicordeaflorida 300 zps813898ae - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    King's Ransom Zoanthids
    FS281224KingsRansomZoanthids 300 zps8b093489 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Red Bullseye Zoanthids
    FS284634RedBullseyeZoanthids 300 zps5ac75099 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Superman Fuzzy Mushroom
    FS283739SupermanFuzzyMushroom 300 zps4fd80c7c - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!

  2. Visit Pacific East Aquaculture's Site
  3. #2


    Here are some more goodies! Also just posted some nice zoanthid colonies as well!

    WYSIWYG Frag Page:
    All Frags

    Coral Colonies | Rare Corals | SPS | LPS | Soft

    Pacific East Aquaculture:
    Maryland Corals for Sale | Saltwater Fish | Inverts | Reef | Clams

    Purple Passion Ricordea yuma
    FS285449PurplePassionRicordeayuma 300 zpsf66ed3e3 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Orange and Teal Ricordea florida
    FS281122OrangeandTealRicordeaflorida 300 zps9d999513 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Baby Blue Ricordea florida
    FS284724BabyBlueRicordeaflorida 300 zps96dc1b41 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    King's Ransom Zoanthids
    FS280849KingsRansomZoanthids 300 zpsf81e6c6d - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Magician Palythoas
    FS265134MagicianPalythoas 300 zps5f1d6fe1 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Orange and Green Zoanthids
    FS111824OrangeinGreenZoanthids 300 zps649ece67 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Doublemint Mushroom
    FS284119DoublemintMushroom 300 zps69cd2010 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Purple and Red Fuzzy Mushroom
    FS282522PurpleandRedFuzzyMushroom 300 zps1989ec0c - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    Watermelon and Green Lantern Combo Colony
    HPS280259WatermelonandGreenLanternComboZoanthid 300 zpsa5d0ff88 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!
    King's Ransom Zoanthid Colony
    HPS280379KingsRansomZoanthids 300 zps7ba7f483 - Crazy Mushrooms, Zoanthids and New Stock Just Posted!

  4. #3
    jimsflies - Reefkeeper

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    Those shrooms are sweet!

  5. #4
    larryandlaura - Reefkeeper
    Team CR

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    Oh my sweet mushrooms.
    Hi my name is Larry and I'm a coral addict!

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