We just posted a bunch of our WYSIWYG Under $15 Frags. Don't forget about our very popular Lucky Seven deal! Buy six of our WYSIWYG Under $15 Frags and get the seventh one free! Most of the frags posted on our Under $15 page are frags we have been culturing at our aquaculture facility for many years. These frags are hardy and great for beginners or anyone looking for a great deal!
WYSIWYG Under $15 Frags (Hundreds to Choose From):
Frags under $15 | Coral Frags for Sale | Reef Aquarium Coral
Our HUGE End of the Year Clearance Sale ends this Sunday at midnight! We posted new WYSIWYG Australian corals and WYSIWYG Over $15 Frags. Only a few days left! Don't miss out on these huge savings!
30% Off WYSIWYG Frags:
All Frags
30% Off Australian Corals:
Australian Coral Colonies and Frags for Sale | Acanthastrea lordhowensis Frags
30% Off Clams (Cultured Maximas and Red Sea Maximas):
Maxima Clams for Sale | Crocea | Squamosa | Derasa for Reef Aquariums
Individual Markdowns on Colonies:
Coral Colonies | Rare Corals | SPS | LPS | Soft
New Years Nuggets Page:
New Year Nuggets! Page
Christmas Favia-$11.99
Red Hot Lava Cyphastrea-$12.99
Australian Acanthastrea lordhowensis-$14.99
Green Tip Euphyllia-$14.99
Christmas War Coral-$12.99
Day Glow Zoanthids-$11.99
Hot Orange Montipora capricornis-$13.99
Alien Blood Acropora-$12.99
Orange Cats Eye Zoanthids-$11.99
Red Halo Zoanthids-$12.99