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  1. Sticky Thread Eye candy threads

    Started by Rabidgoose, 07-02-2011 07:40 PM
  1. Awesome Reef Photo

    Check out this cool photo I found when using google earth to explore around Papua New Guinea: Photo Be sure to pan around (its a 360 photo) and...
    Started by jimsflies, 05-15-2014 09:44 PM
  2. Hosting Clownfish

    My snowflake clown has started hosting with this big green shroom (over 6-inches in diameter). I notice the mushshroom closed the other day after...
    Started by jimsflies, 02-19-2014 08:13 PM
    2 Pages
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  3. Another view

    Here is another view
    Started by binford4000, 01-26-2014 09:11 PM
    2 Pages
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  4. New look !!!

    Well went and did some changes today! I like the diffrence
    Started by binford4000, 01-26-2014 08:52 PM
  5. Got Polyps?

    Having some more fun with the phone camera...my tank has been looking pretty "fuzzy" lately with every square inch packed with a happy coral! I'll...
    Started by jimsflies, 01-07-2014 08:28 PM
  6. Sea life dc 1400 pro

    Well Santa,aka Mrs Binford has been paying attention to my drooling at the dive shop. Need to charge it up but figure I will learn how to use it in...
    Started by binford4000, 12-25-2013 07:14 PM
  7. Eye-Fi card or RAVPower 5-in-1 filehub?

    Hi guys, not sure if its the right place to post this question. I'm thinking about get something that can let me wireless transfer photos from my...
    Started by Rickey, 12-27-2013 03:42 AM
  8. DIY camera box results

    Well got bored so since the wife's canceled the fish budget I figured might as well figure out this camera stuff some! I made me a camera box to...
    Started by binford4000, 07-27-2013 08:47 PM
    2 Pages
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  9. Sno-Mo Clownfish Video

    I upgraded my phone yesterday and got an iphone 5s. Playing around with the slow motion video settings...I added the music and titles on my...
    Started by jimsflies, 11-30-2013 10:10 AM
  10. What camera(s) does everyone use for their reef pics?

    Just out of curiosity, what camera(s) does everyone use to take their reef pics with? We've got our good old trusty Sony Mactiva and the newer...
    Started by dakar, 02-11-2005 08:21 AM
    2 Pages
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  11. Cool video of Fiji coral beds and more...

    Dakuwaqa's Garden - Underwater footage from Fiji & Tonga - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/embed/mcbHKAWIk3I My sister sent this to me to egg me...
    Started by binford4000, 09-20-2013 06:42 AM
  12. Bigbills reef video

    Started by bigbill, 07-01-2013 11:16 PM

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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

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