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Preuss Pets

Mid-Michigan's 24,000 sq foot Tropical Pet Store featuring a vast supply of anything from coral reef aquariums to tarantulas and even exotic birds.

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  1. Winner of today's in store giveaway of the 45g RR frag tank - Lori L!

    Congrats Lori L! Congrats also to the swap attendee that won the one at the swap as well!
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-19-2017 06:31 PM


  2. Sidewalk Sale - 45 g frag tanks 36x24x12 - 35g cubes 20" - Tons of lighting!

    Details on our just posted facebook live video. Details here: https://www.facebook.com/PreussPets/
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-19-2017 11:28 AM


  3. Swap Day - Live Rock Sale - Today only - As much as you can fit in a bucket for $50!!

    We've got a select bin of live rock put aside for the 'bucket sale' on live rock. As much rock from this bin, the rubble bin etc as you can fit in a...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-19-2017 09:34 AM


  4. Restocked on Ecotech, Neptune Systems - Also now carrying Synergy overflow boxes!

    Fresh order of Radions, Vectras as well as nearly all Apex systems, modules and cables in stock.
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-17-2017 04:03 PM


    New Stock
  5. Free Frags! Donuts! Opening early at 10am!

    As usual, we'll be opening up at 10am instead of 11am on swap day - Sunday February 19th 2017. So if you're coming in from out of town, and want to...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-14-2017 01:39 PM


  6. Preuss Pets Opening at 10am on 2/21/16 for swap day! - Coffee - Donuts!!

    As usual, we'll be opening up at 10am instead of 11am on swap day - Sunday February 21st 2016. So if you're coming in from out of town, and want to...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-20-2016 10:03 AM


  7. Reef Aquarium classes at Preuss Pets!

    Reef Aquarium Classes are back! 7:00PM in the Preuss Pets Classroom Free to Attend, No Registration Needed Saturday August 1st – 7:00PM ...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 07-15-2015 10:37 AM


  8. Live rock Clearance!!

    We've got 1500lbs of choice live rock curing in the back which means we need to make room out front. There's 3 bins of fully cured live rock...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 03-22-2015 04:12 PM


  9. QD MP40's in stock - also MP60W's and MP10w's still left at clearance pricing!

    We've gotten our first shipment of the new Quiet Drive MP40s. Although some were pre-sold, we do have inventory on hand available for pick up today!...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 03-14-2015 07:37 AM


    New Stock
  10. Preuss Pets Opening at 10am on 2/22/15 for swap day! - Coffee - Donuts!!

    As usual, we'll be opening up at 10am instead of 11am on swap day - Sunday February 22nd 2015. So if you're coming in from out of town, want to warm...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 02-21-2015 08:01 PM


  11. Jay Hemdal from the Toledo Zoo on this morning's radio show!

    Sometimes great things take years to build! In 1995, the people of Northwest Ohio began investing in renovations to the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium. On...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 01-24-2015 07:22 AM


  12. Next round of free reef classes - including a new class on water chemistry

    It's time for another round of FREE reef aquarium classes! This batch features some of the new classes from the last round, as well as a brand new...
    Started by Preuss Pets, 01-15-2015 10:17 AM



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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

    Besides being a great resource for all levels of reef aquarium hobbyists, CaptiveReefs is a social experience that will enhance your enjoyment of reefkeeping. CaptiveReefs is committed to connecting reefkeepers with the support and information they need to grow beautiful coral reef aquariums.


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