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Product & Vendor Reviews

Share your feedback on reef-related products.

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  1. Anyone use product called Vibrant?

    Been reading reviews on a aquarium cleaner called Vibrant. Has anyone tried this in their reef tanks? Has anyone seen it for sale at the LFS in the...
    Started by lb71fish, 11-04-2016 09:46 AM
  2. Calcium Reactor

    I'm looking at getting a calcium reactor and wanted to see if anyone recommended anything. I was looking at the Korallin C1502 Calcium Reactor. ...
    Started by ShockSniper, 04-28-2017 09:10 PM
  3. BRAND NEW product: Controller for Protein Skimmers!

    It has been quite some time since my last "Lazy Reefmeister" sequel. Episode II of "The Lazy Reefkeeper" series (The 2-minute water change) -...
    Started by Reefmeister2, 03-18-2016 08:32 PM
  4. BRAND NEW product: Controller for Protein Skimmers!

    It has been quite some time since my last "Lazy Reefmeister" sequel. Episode II of "The Lazy Reefkeeper" series (The 2-minute water change) -...
    Started by Reefmeister2, 03-18-2016 08:30 PM
  5. Reef Keeper Lite?

    Looking for reviews. Have an opportunity via a $200.00 credit to get one. Possibly with a Float Switch Kit and or Temp prob, the two I choose. I'm...
    Started by MizTanks, 01-12-2015 01:01 AM
  6. Reef Roids oh my!

    Well that settles it. 3-4 months ago I fed Reef Roids to my then 1 month old tank. Wound up with an entire SB just covered in what I thought at the...
    Started by MizTanks, 11-06-2014 01:52 PM
    2 Pages
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  7. Nuagli?

    Has anyone here ever used this product? Nualgi Aquarium - A Clean Tank is a Beautiful Tank
    Started by MizTanks, 08-20-2014 01:24 PM
  8. Red Sea Max 130D?

    Here's a link. Good~not good? Anyone familiar with these systems? http://www.redseamax.com/redseamax/Red_Sea_MAX_specs.html
    Started by MizTanks, 01-24-2011 12:04 PM
  9. SCA-301 Protein Skimmer.

    This is my first in sump skimmer. Rated for tanks up to 65g and was only $79.99. I ran it for 48hrs in vinegar/water before adding it to my sump. ...
    Started by MizTanks, 06-25-2014 11:20 PM
  10. Pacificeast Aquaculture

    Has anyone ordered though Pacificeast Aquaculture? Looks like a lot of nice coral and frags>
    Started by macman4, 03-04-2014 12:57 PM
  11. Help Find A Thief!!!

    From Dirk (Dirk's Dry Goods)... If you've been in this hobby for a while, you've probably heard of or run into Dirk. He brings a truckload of...
    Started by MizTanks, 10-16-2013 06:23 PM
  12. one big scam

    so yesterday when i came home from work the white lights on my t5 fixture were out ( frag tank). and with me being sick i took the day off and when i...
    Started by dputt88, 01-22-2014 06:19 PM

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