Been reading reviews on a aquarium cleaner called Vibrant. Has anyone tried this in their reef tanks? Has anyone seen it for sale at the LFS in the Detroit area?
I'm actually using it now. Been struggling for 2yrs with my sand bed. Not exactly sure what it is. I suspect it is a non-toxic form of Dinoflagellates.
I just started dosing on 11-10-16. I'll keep you updated.
Update! Gotta say Vibrant does what it says with zero damage to inhabitants. Although it does kill chaeto, the only known macro thus far to be affected by Vibrant.
My horribly ugly SB issues is almost completely cleaned up. It's been a total of 4wks since I started dosing at 6ml 2x a week.
The reviews are fantastic for it's ability to kill hair Algae, Bryopsis and yes even Bubble Algae. The latter in my tank is slowly turning white and even releasing itself from my rock.
I am very much thrilled with this product!