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Reef Clubs

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  1. 2012 Reef Stew - $10/bag @ MCES

    MMMC will be selling their annual batch of Reef Stew at MCES tomorrow. This is an awesome batch! It is a great food to feed all animals in your...
    Started by jimsflies, 01-28-2012 08:47 AM
  2. MMMC email hacked?

    At about 9:30am today, emails were generated which appeared to have come from the MMMC website (Mid-Michigan Marine Club). DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK...
    Started by jimsflies, 03-31-2011 12:02 PM
  3. Lansing Swap Recap and Photos

    It was great to see everyone last weekend. The final total attending the swap was 48 vendors (businesses and hobbyists) and 483 people total. ...
    Started by jimsflies, 02-03-2011 01:19 PM
  4. MMMC Reef Stew Event-1/08/11

    :fishbones: Our next MMMC club meeting will be on Saturday, January 8th @ 6pm at Preuss Pets. This is our annual meeting to make our MMMC Reef...
    Started by TM01, 01-03-2011 08:15 PM
    3 Pages
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  5. 2010 MMMC Holiday Membership Meeting!

    The December MMMC Meeting is Dec 19, 2010 @ 5pm. If your NOT currently a member then this meeting is a perfect time to join! If you ARE a...
    Started by TM01, 12-09-2010 11:01 AM
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  6. MMMC Membership List - 2010

    Mid-Michigan Marine Club Membership List-2010 Board Members: Bob Avery (Beakerbob) Mark Sand (Sandman) Rick Tanke (Tankster) Jim Watling...
    Started by TM01, 11-30-2010 09:55 AM
  7. Next Meeting

    When and where is the next meeting?
    Started by Hopkins, 03-04-2010 08:20 PM
  8. MMMC Reef Stew - $10/bag at the Swap

    MMMC's 2010 batch of Reef Stew will be available for purchase at the MMMC Swap on 1/31. The price is $10 per bag. The Ingredients in this...
    Started by jimsflies, 01-10-2010 09:36 PM
  9. Thanks to those that helped with the swap

    On behalf of the MMMC directors, I would like to thank those that helped yesterday with the swap. It was another huge success and without your help...
    Started by jimsflies, 02-01-2010 07:32 PM
  10. MMMC Swap Raffle

    For the 1/31/10 swap in Lansing, MI we are going to raffle both dry goods and corals donated from vendors and hobbyists. Raffle tickets are going to...
    Started by Tankster, 01-02-2010 09:48 AM
  11. 4th Annual Mid-Michigan Marine Club Swap

    January 31st 2010 Fraternal Order of the Eagles Hall 4700 N Grand River Ave Lansing, MI 48906
    Started by Tankster, 10-15-2009 06:56 AM
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  12. MMMC Meeting 1/10/10 4-6p Preuss Pets

    Our next club meeting will be on 1/10 from 4-6 at Preuss Pets. It will be at Preuss Pets located in Lansing, Michigan. This is our annual...
    Started by jimsflies, 12-26-2009 05:27 PM
    2 Pages
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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

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