You 2 always have been, and I hope, always will be.
Just giving a new roll call, for 2014. Alot of area reefers in the past 3 years have gotten out, moved on, or just arent interested. A new list was absolutely needed.
I am very happy to say, we got another really great list of local reefers.
I was going to PM you, if you didnt reply soon- ha!
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw
I just moved to AA from Maryland in March. I'd like to join the club. A little background on my reefing: I am in the process of setting up my first reef, 58 gal. Previously, I used the same tank for a FOWLR. I lost a battle to cyano, and then the big move happened. So I'm looking to restart and get a little deeper into the hobby.
I think the answer is participation. We have a great active members list, all with great tanks, but seems like most are just very busy.
Alot of our more social members have gotten out of the hobby, which has caused activity to slow down drastically.
With the new career change, and my basement mancave/tank build on hold, it has become difficult to host any kind of get togethers. I am hoping that will change soon though.