I just moved to AA from Maryland in March. I'd like to join the club. A little background on my reefing: I am in the process of setting up my first reef, 58 gal. Previously, I used the same tank for a FOWLR. I lost a battle to cyano, and then the big move happened. So I'm looking to restart and get a little deeper into the hobby.
These are simple sites that give you a place holder on the net (GRMAS is setup on wordpress which makes it easy to post an update). It costs roughly $25 per year between hosting and domain registration. I charge nothing to set it up and manage. My hope is that you'll continue to use CR for your forum needs.
I don't plan on going any where any time soon. I wouldn't want to manage another forum, but would be happy to put together a nice looking wordpress site with a link to CR for club discussion. Wordpress has the ability to comment to posts as well...but IME wordpress is highly susceptible to spam posts.