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Small Polyp Stoney (SPS) Coral

Discussion forum for small polyp stoney corals, including acropora, millepora, montipora, pocillopora, etc.

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  1. Sticky Thread SPS ID Sticky

    Post pics of your acros so others can help identify them.
    Started by schminksbro, 02-17-2011 07:39 PM
  1. successful pocillipora spawing event

    looking around the tank the past couple days i have noticed many tiny pocciliporas popping up all over one half of my tank. the count is over 20 and...
    Started by dputt88, 08-04-2014 08:50 AM
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  2. acans and elagance

    I have a 210 reef tank and it's been going great, but I have a little concern. My acans have been closed for almost two weeks. I do see there...
    Started by ShockSniper, 03-01-2017 12:08 AM
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  3. Aussie Teaser

    A few coral pics of some of the stuff I saw in Brisbane last month. These colonies retail for what we would pay for a tiny frag here.
    Started by fishtal, 04-01-2016 11:31 PM
  4. Box 'O' Binford...SPS that is

    Well I did some shopping over binford4000 tonight Walked away w/ a few..dozen acros Thanks again Chuck
    Started by dknuckles, 03-07-2015 10:11 PM
  5. Attaching Chalice & Monti?

    Can I use super glue gel to attach them to my rock? Neither one are on plugs. Will they then grow onto the rock?
    Started by MizTanks, 12-23-2014 06:14 PM
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  6. Birds Nest help?!

    I'm concerned about my Birds Nest. Showing very small pe in some areas. Receives moderate turbulent flow. Alk-8.4 Ca-450 Mag-1440 PH-8.2...
    Started by MizTanks, 09-17-2014 11:42 AM
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  7. SPS pests... maybe

    So, I had something horrible happen the other day. I was making the rounds, selling & swaping a few frags on Monday night (in the blowing stupid...
    Started by ksfulk, 11-26-2014 02:05 PM
  8. Sunset Montipora

    This is a piece I got free from a friend and used a gel filter to take this picture
    Started by ILoveCoral, 11-08-2014 04:12 PM
  9. Encrusting Montipora

    How do you frag encrusting montipora?
    Started by cristinev87, 10-10-2014 03:49 PM
  10. Montipora Growth

    Hello, I was given my first encrusting montipora which was given to me without a frag disk. Its basically in the shape of a brick but only...
    Started by cristinev87, 09-16-2014 05:00 PM
  11. With apologies to Sr. Dali...

    I present The Persistence of Chalice.
    Started by dlhirst, 08-21-2014 07:55 PM
  12. What's my name?

    I got this coral from Tankster a few swaps ago. Its true name is not known, but we were calling it "bumpy green monti". It has been growing well...
    Started by Tom@HaslettMI, 01-29-2014 08:37 PM

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