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  1. #1

    Default HELP I WANT CORALS lol

    #ed_op#DIV#ed_cl#ok some of you might or might not no but i have a 30 gallon tank with a topfin 30 filter and i add ammonia reducer every 2 weeks along with the water changes that is it. Everything is goin well i have 2 chromies, a cbs, and a sea erchin and like 10 snails with 30 pounds of live rock. everything is goin well, but i want to add some excitement to the tank and i have had it for aprrox. 2 months. what must i #ed_op#STRONG#ed_cl#absolutely#ed_op#/STRONG#ed_cl# have in order for the corals to live in my tank. i have standard lighting for my tank so i know i need better lighting. I #ed_op#STRONG#ed_cl#EXTREMELY#ed_op#/STRONG#ed_cl# aprreciate anyones help with my tank.#ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#DIV#ed_cl##ed_op#/DIV#ed_cl#

  2. #2
    graphixx - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    First Name


    start off with the basic for the standard lighting. zooanthids, green star polyps, kenya tree, colt coral, mushrooms that is about all that will thrive in your light, if you want sps you should upgrade your lighting to metalhalide. but the ones I listed above will surely add a splash of color to the tank and give it a nice look.

    hope this helped

    fulltankshot 1 - HELP I WANT CORALS lol

  3. #3
    Guido - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Cincinnati, OH


    The only thing i can add to the MH lights is a skimmer, a sump/refug, and probably a powerhead or two.
    Failure is for those who accept it.

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