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Soft Coral

A forum to discuss octocorals, mushrooms, etc.

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  1. What is this?

    Hey, I bought this rock two months ago. This hitchhiker started out real small like could not see it small and is now three quarters of an inch wide....
    Started by Scout, 08-07-2011 08:17 PM
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  2. Ricordia Meltdown

    Soooo i keep a close eye on my water chemistry....i sold my mexican turbos back....got some other snails....now my corals aint getting messed...
    Started by rulost2001, 07-24-2011 12:30 AM
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  3. "Cuban" Ricordia/Yuma-

    I have run across some of these online....and they are VERY expensive!!! Dont be fooled- :doh: They are Florida Rics, just like any other found...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 02-28-2011 07:21 AM
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  4. Question about frags

    when u buy frags wat the proper way to place them in a tank. The following are examples of what I have done.. a) I bought a few mushroom and I...
    Started by Riceman, 05-07-2011 01:21 PM
  5. Mushroom tumbleweed.

    So yesterday I added some new coral to the tank. I was cleaning the glass and noticed one of my blue stripy mushrooms kinda just floating around in...
    Started by Heidi, 05-01-2011 05:01 PM
  6. Removing Fungia from a plug?

    Anyone have knowledge on how to remove my fungia from a plug?
    Started by MizTanks, 03-28-2011 11:38 AM
  7. Pincushin Leather?

    I've had a couple of folks asking me exactly what kind of leather this is. The guy I got it from told me it was a pincushin leather, although it...
    Started by Mouthstofeed, 04-14-2011 07:05 PM
  8. Yuma-tube

    Started by MUCHO REEF, 02-20-2011 01:09 PM
  9. Green Hairy Short film

    Was messing around with my camera and made this Video of my colony of green hairy Mushrooms (5+) Thought it turned out good so i figured i would...
    Started by Fordris, 01-27-2011 11:24 PM
  10. Removing GSP from frag plug

    Anyone have any recommendations for getting GSP off of the plug? I want to take it off the plug so I can glue it to the wall of the tank.
    Started by creefer, 12-21-2010 08:19 PM
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  11. Ricordea Florida Puking??

    Don't have a picture of this but I fed the tank tonight and one of my rics expelled this nasty looking stringy crap from its mouth....looked like it...
    Started by creefer, 12-21-2010 10:17 PM
  12. Ricordia?

    I've got 2 heads, my first. Not quit sure where to best place them. For now they're on a small piece of LR on the sand bed. Seem to be doing fine....
    Started by MizTanks, 12-08-2010 09:26 PM

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