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is this leather dead?

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  1. #1
    CR Member
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    Mar 2005
    Winona, MN

    Default is this leather dead?

    Yep the tanks up, and I think I may have lost something in the process. What do you think?

    We can\'t stop here. This is bat country!


  2. #2


    Actually no it may not be dead! I have several huge deavil's hand leathers and from time to time they seem to just close up or like yours looks, go flat. They are doing what I call "purging" give it a few days or even a week it should come back! If it is dead they usually disintigrate or melt away. Keep and eye on it but give it a chance!
    Hi my name is sarah, and I've got the Upgrade Bug!
    Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!!!!

  3. #3
    dakar - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Aggrivating to see them like that, seems their favorite time to 'play dead' is the day you want to take a tank picture, it never fails... something will be all blah looking if you grab the camera.
    Every electronic device is manufactured with smoke stored deep inside... only a true genius can find a way to set it free.

  4. #4
    Reef_Angel - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Wisconsin Dells, WI


    I agree! They have times where they do this and it can last a week or better. Don't give up on it. Just keep your tank quality up there like you always do, and one morning you'll wake up and be surprised to see it acting like it never was ailing! Congrats on getting your tank up by the way!! How's it going over with the lady of the house so far. To bad you couldn't have put it up on a stand or something. At least it's up. As soon as she sees how beautiful it really is, maybe she'll let you have a wall. Ask her to help you pick fish and coral out of catelogs. Maybe that will help! I hope you don't have to many bumps on your head though. By putting it on the floor though, you really thought ahead in case that was where she was going to make you sleep when she got home! Happy Reefing!!
    Have a Wonderful Day on the Reef!

    **If you have a need to phone me,
    PM me and we can arrange for a chat!

    Angels do a lot of things, but they will not take away your free will or the lessons you are here on earth to learn.*~

  5. #5
    peregrinus - Reefkeeper Registered User
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    Sep 2004


    put it near a medium flow. i have seen mine do that when they have not got enough flow.
    Quantum mechanics the dreams stuff is made of.

    150 started 8/12/06
    57 gal started 8/12/08

  6. #6
    CR Member
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    Winona, MN


    You were absolutely correct!! I put some more flow on it and it perked right up. Thanks a lot
    We can\'t stop here. This is bat country!


  7. #7
    peregrinus - Reefkeeper Registered User
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    Sep 2004


    anytime glad we could help.
    Quantum mechanics the dreams stuff is made of.

    150 started 8/12/06
    57 gal started 8/12/08

  8. #8


    I don't remember where I saw it but someone's tag line said
    "its not dead.. Its resting!" Guess it was! lol
    glad all is well!
    Hi my name is sarah, and I've got the Upgrade Bug!
    Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!!!!

  9. #9
    CR Member
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    Mar 2005
    Winona, MN


    part of it was resting and part of it is falling apart (dead). About 1/4 of it didn't make it but the rest is looking a lot better.
    We can\'t stop here. This is bat country!


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