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34in sump
I am looking for 34in long sump preferably with a Refugem I have a 40 breeder but will be moving up to a 75 soon just seeing what's out their.
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Views: 7,297
Last Post: 04-17-2017 12:15 PM
by AustinK
Forum:Want to Buy
Aquarium Equipment
RO/DI Water
I have a question about using an RO/DI filter to feel up a drum. Is it ok to leave that water just sitting or should it be moving with a powerhead....
Replies: 5
Views: 2,333
Last Post: 06-12-2013 02:32 PM
by binford4000
Coral Placement
How long do you let a coral get comfortable in a spot in the tank before moving it if there's no growth?
I have an ORA Gecko Green (acropora) and...
Replies: 12
Views: 7,429
Last Post: 07-28-2013 08:40 AM
by MizTanks
Getting rid of things:(
Well, here I am 2 years down from being outside of my favorite hobby waiting for the return to come. I do not know how soon do to way to many big...
Replies: 0
Views: 2,324
Last Post: 05-21-2013 12:48 AM
by BK's Reef
Replies: 0
Views: 2,999
Last Post: 05-11-2013 09:03 PM
by jehudial
Algae & Pests
Long tip anemone
I recently added a long tip anemone to my 210 tank and it looks fine. My question is it seems to have stopped moving and where it ended up is not...
Replies: 5
Views: 2,906
Last Post: 05-06-2013 08:32 PM
by Sacohen
Salinity - 1.025 or 1.026?
So, I started with my tank at 1.025, and after reading several threads, saw at least most people posting were running 1.026.
I'm wondering if...
Replies: 8
Views: 11,435
Last Post: 03-29-2013 08:26 AM
by pjr
Salt & Water
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
New fish to tank - getting along great with other fish, really fun to watch as he is out and moving around the tank - like to go an put on a flash...
Replies: 0
Views: 5,763
Last Post: 03-03-2013 12:31 PM
by Fish Dad
Acanthophylia Color Changing
I've been suspecting this for the past couple weeks but just shrugged it off as me seeing things. But going over my older pictures tonight, I am...
Replies: 4
Views: 2,360
Last Post: 02-28-2013 07:26 PM
by Danroth
Replies: 5
Views: 5,618
Last Post: 01-29-2013 08:50 AM
by dputt88
I've got the Ich
Got it bad, especially on the hippo tang. There was no Ich present in either tank (so I thought), so I didn't see a problem moving four fish from...
Replies: 4
Views: 2,689
Last Post: 01-28-2013 05:48 PM
by Rabidgoose
Forum:Marine Fish
Diseases & Treatment
Spiny Star Astraea
Has anyone ever dealt with these guys? I bought two on Tuesday when I was adding to my clean up crew mainly because they looked cool. When I bought...
Replies: 1
Views: 1,655
Last Post: 01-24-2013 03:28 PM
by MizTanks
Forum:Other Marine Life
Snails & Mollusks
have had this chalice for over a year had a lot of trouble getting to stay colored up but after lots of moving the very corner of my tank under only...
Replies: 5
Views: 2,623
Last Post: 01-07-2013 03:30 AM
by bigbill
Flow on a 70G Cube
I have a 70G cube that I was using a MJ1200 mod. It had a pretty strong directional flow that was too harsh on my corals. I have softies, leathers...
Replies: 10
Views: 7,489
Last Post: 01-16-2013 10:27 AM
by tcp316
Flow & Plumbing
My return to Reefing!
It's been about two years since I sold my 90 gallon. I learned a lot from that tank and decided that 90 wasn't enough. An opportunity presented...
Replies: 3
Views: 3,191
Last Post: 01-07-2013 09:35 PM
by RedfordReefer
Forum:Member's Reefs
XL Reef Aquarium (181g+)
Ecoxotic Stunner, Nova 24" T5, EB8
I live in Michigan in the lower southwest corner. I am able to ship. Items 1 year old or less.
+ 12.5" 445nm Stunner Strip & ecoxotic 24V 60W wall...
Replies: 4
Views: 2,403
Last Post: 12-29-2012 05:49 PM
by sugargary
Anyone ever use this?
Was told to use this in my tank instead of carbon or fluval brown filter stuff (can't remember the name) to help with ridding tank of cyano along...
Replies: 11
Views: 4,570
Last Post: 10-10-2012 04:51 AM
by slapshot
New to Reefing