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  1. in search for 150 gal+ tank...current tank is leaking!!!

    My current 150 gal as a seam thats going bad. So im reaching out to the community to see if anyone has a 150 to 180 gal tank available. Just need a...
    Started by ReefTech, 04-02-2020 10:33 AM


    Aquarium Equipment
  2. Wanted bounce mushrooms

    Looking for any bounce mushroom. Preferably in bulk. Shoot me a message
    Started by Mistress Corals, 03-11-2020 10:34 AM


    Reef Livestock
  3. Wanted: FLOW for a 75g

    Looking to add some flow to a newly setup 75 Tunze? Gyre? China? Not a Koralia fan but might be interested in some of the older gen BIG pumps. ...
    Started by TrevN64, 01-19-2020 05:31 PM


    Aquarium Equipment
  4. Astreina starfish for hungry Harlequin shrimp

    Anyone local to the Grand Blanc/FLINT 48439 area have any Asterina stars I can have to feed my hungry harlequin shrimp? I’d even be willing to pay a...
    Started by vega15, 08-20-2019 02:25 PM


    Reef Livestock
  5. Live Rotifers/Green Water near Ann Arbor

    Just what the title says. Willing to pick up and pay for some stock to start a new culture. Just notice my tomato clowns decided to lay some new...
    Started by tsudonymn, 04-16-2018 11:28 AM


    Reef Livestock
  6. 75 or bigger ugly tank

    I am in need of a 75g or larger tank don't care if it is ugly i just need it for temporary housing of my reef as i slowly transport livestock to my...
    Started by tazzy695, 02-27-2018 10:54 PM


    Aquarium Equipment
  7. ISO large tank

    Looking for a large tank preferably 8ft reef tank contact at Eugenedanielson@aol.com
    Started by Gene405, 02-22-2018 02:37 PM


    Aquarium Equipment
  8. WTB 1000GPH Return pump and/or skimmer

    Looking to pick up a Return Pump 1000GPH-1500GPH. I will seriously consider anything besides Mag Drives, as my solution needs to be more silent...
    Started by ETBReefer05, 11-25-2017 05:18 PM


    Aquarium Equipment
  9. WTB 48"x18" footprint tank and stand

    Looking for a new or used 48x18x? footprint tank and stand setup. Would prefer a 90 gallon or a 110 tall. (48x18x30). I have a limited space, so the...
    Started by ETBReefer05, 11-03-2017 10:20 PM


    Aquarium Equipment
  10. looking for meanwell eln-60-48d led drivers

    title says it all . looking to buy or trade coral for meanwell eln 60-48d or 24d led drivers . lemme know thanx
    Started by lemonjello, 11-04-2017 10:28 AM


    Aquarium Equipment
  11. WTB Chaeto!

    Anyone got a fuge full that needs harvesting? Lmk price with shipping please. Thank you
    Started by MizTanks, 07-23-2017 02:55 PM


    Reef Livestock
  12. 34in sump

    I am looking for 34in long sump preferably with a Refugem I have a 40 breeder but will be moving up to a 75 soon just seeing what's out their.
    Started by AustinK, 04-17-2017 12:15 PM


    Aquarium Equipment

Page 1 of 59 1 2 3 11 51 ... Last

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