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Zoanthids & Palys

A forum to discuss zoanthids and palys.

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  1. Sticky Thread General zoa/paly info- Need a quick answer, look here.

    Being zoas and palys have been my favorite coral for many years, I figured I would share some of the basic info I have learned throughout the years...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 10-12-2009 01:48 PM
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  2. Sticky Thread 25 Reasons Why Your Polyps Won't Expand

    1. You have a zoanthid eating worm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc971vWUmbQ&feature=youtu.be 2. Sundial snails. ( I've experienced this ) ...
    Started by MUCHO REEF, 06-04-2010 07:43 PM
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  1. Anyone get any new zoas in their tanks? Post them up 2018!

    Lets see what ya guys have gotten so far this new year-
    Started by Sir Patrick, 01-23-2018 08:40 PM
  2. Michigan Coral Expo & Swap-Phantom Reefing

    Hello guys, Just wanted to share a few of the corals I will be bringing to this upcoming swap in Lansing! Hope to see everyone there!
    Started by phamtonreefing, 01-17-2018 07:20 PM
  3. 7 Simple Tips for Keeping Zoanthids Happy, Healthy, and Growing Fast

    I have Talked To and Read About quite a few People who have been Having Trouble Keeping Zoanthids so I decided to Make this Thread to Help them Out....
    Started by that Reef Guy, 05-30-2016 04:22 PM
  4. picked this nice piece up at the swap. need an ID

    Anyone know what this zoa could be? looked like a darth maul to me but need opinions. got it from PEA at the swap. sorry for the crappy camera phone...
    Started by jolson10450, 10-12-2015 09:55 AM
  5. peach zoa ID

    Does anyone know what these zoas are? not the rastas but the ones behind it? theyre really odd like a mohawk and are almost a brownish peach tiny...
    Started by jolson10450, 03-16-2016 07:50 AM
  6. Trade Secrets of the Polyp Pimps-

    Saw a single polyp paly on some forums for $999.99..... Free Shipping.... Beautiful polyp too. What would you say you can have that polyp...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 01-23-2016 04:18 AM
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  7. Prefered PE morph lighting intensity Question-

    I have a few People eater morphs, and a bit rusty on final placement. If I recall right, these are shallow water, high light intensity loving...
    Started by Sir Patrick, 03-30-2015 12:20 AM
  8. Mint Palys taking over again. How can I kill 'em without killing other corals?

    The Mint palys are encroaching on my chalices. Last time this happened, I ended up taking the rocks out to dry to kill 'em. Just wondering if you...
    Started by Tom Toro, 12-07-2014 11:17 AM
  9. How to kill Paly's???

    I have alot of Texas Trash style paly's that I need to eradicate and I'm looking for some suggetions. One rock I think I can get out and it probably...
    Started by greenstarfish03, 05-24-2012 02:18 PM
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  10. What do you think

    Started by ILoveCoral, 11-02-2014 07:45 PM
  11. Zoa's and gluing?

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Every time I try gluing zoas to rock they always wind up bailing. Am I using to much glue? They don't like the rock,...
    Started by MizTanks, 10-29-2014 02:14 PM
  12. Id help please

    Anyone seen anything close to these ? I have been told punk rockers, they seem different thought
    Started by ILoveCoral, 10-19-2014 06:00 PM

Page 1 of 19 1 2 3 11 ... Last

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