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Discussion about Controllers, Pumps, Lights, Heaters, Skimmers, and other reefkeeping equipment.

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  1. New Bulb Recommendations

    Hi all, this is my first post so bare with me... I'm currently a year into reefing and I LOVE it! However, since I'm still a newbie... one thing I'm...
    Started by lew0622, 02-20-2013 12:04 PM


    Lighting/ T5
  2. using sponge filters for food cultures?

    so i have been culturing pods for some time now to feed my pipefish. the pipefish are very dependent on these cultures and i would like to make them...
    Started by dputt88, 02-18-2013 02:29 PM


    Water Treatment
  3. Kessil a150w

    Im planning on downsizing tanks from my 120 to maybe a JBJ 30g rimless AIO tank and was looking at possible lighting for it. I came across the Kessil...
    Started by demonclownfish, 02-08-2013 12:53 AM


    Lighting/ LED
  4. LED's

    Well Jim and Andy have me thinking about LED's. The problem is I know less than nothing about them. I guess you can make a black molly look like a...
    Started by Rabidgoose, 03-29-2012 03:13 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Lighting/ LED
  5. MP40 How reliable are they?

    I'm sick of these old giant Tunzes blocking light and taking up too much space in my tanks. But, they work all the time everytime. I don't have to...
    Started by Tom Toro, 01-03-2013 11:01 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Flow & Plumbing
  6. Calcium Reactor reviews?

    Alright, so I'm at that point where I'm sick of dosing and I'm looking into getting a Calcium Reactor. I toyed with the idea of Kalk in my ATO, but...
    Started by Kizmar, 02-11-2013 08:42 AM


    Water Treatment
  7. Par Meter For Rent?

    Does anyone have a par meter I could rent for the day?
    Started by Hopkins, 08-07-2012 02:28 PM


    Lighting/ LED
  8. Red Sea C-Skim 1800 Help

    I have recently purchased a Red Sea C-Skim 1800 and plan to put it in an Eshopps RS-300 Sump. My question is for those who have successfully used...
    Started by huttyhawk, 02-01-2013 08:01 PM


    Protein Skimmer
  9. Reef Octopus BH-1000

    Looking at this skimmer for my 26g and possible upgrade to a 56g. For now would this be to much for my 26g?
    Started by MizTanks, 02-07-2013 11:45 AM


    Protein Skimmer
  10. API Tests

    So I am hoping this is a good place to post this. Long story short I am testing a high ammonia reading, and it doesn't make any sense. No deaths to...
    Started by TanksEveryWhere, 02-07-2013 03:07 PM


    Water Treatment
  11. HOB Skimmer in Refugium Portion

    Can you hang a HOB skimmer of the side of the refugium portion of your sump? Or will it effect the refugium some how. Looking to take my...
    Started by PeregrinTook, 02-07-2013 03:23 PM


    Protein Skimmer
  12. RO/DI flow restrictor question

    I just looked at the membrane in my RO/DI unit and realized it is a 100 GPD membrane (Filmtec TW30-1812-100). I got this unit used about a year ago...
    Started by Tom@HaslettMI, 02-02-2013 02:54 PM


    Water Treatment

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