okay, so we all know that everyones tank areas and fish rooms arent as clean as they always show them to be. so in this thread i want everyone to post a pic of their tank and its surrounding area without cleaning up beforehand. lol, i can already see this being a funny one. if you have a fish room i want to see that too. if you feel that you are an organized reefer i post what measures you have taken to stay on top of that mess.

heres my tank area just 2 days after the last swap. its gets messier, but thats just how it looks today.

2012 08 14185533 - CR's Messiest Reef Setups

2012 08 14185510 - CR's Messiest Reef Setups

if this thread needs to be moved please do, i just figured since it was going to be featuring member's tanks that this would be an appropriate place.