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Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

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  1. #1
    Tom@HaslettMI - Reefkeeper
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    East Lansing, MI
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    Default Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    FTS: Oct 2, 2009

    IMG 2612 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    The system
    Display Tank: 50 gallon breeder
    Sump/refugium: 20 long
    Plumbing: CPR CS50 overflow box
    Return pump: Mag18 with SCWD
    Flow: (1) NanoStream 6045 and (1) Koralia 2

    More details (and photos) to come...
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Tom@HaslettMI; 07-23-2011 at 12:34 AM.

  2. #2
    speedstar - Reefkeeper CR Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Can;t wait to see some close ups! How big is the clam?
    Anyone can grow Zoa's and LPS I have some in my sump.

  3. #3
    jojo22 - Reefkeeper Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Canton, Ohio


    Looking nice, how old is it?? Is that the one you mentioned in your mature tank thread?
    Does water always taste like salt and poo????

  4. #4
    Tom@HaslettMI - Reefkeeper
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    Awards Yugo Award - For helping with the CR Booth at MCES Monthly Giveaway Winner Monthly Giveaway Winner Photo of the Month Tank of the Month


    Speed - The clams (T. squamosa and T. derasa) are 8 or 9 inches (shell length).

    jojo - Thank you and yes, this is my only tank... for now.

  5. #5


    looks good Tom. What is your stock list?

  6. #6
    ReeferRob - Reefkeeper CR Member
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    Tom that is a beautiful tank, did I hear that its your old tank?

    Love natures little protein skimmers. I guess they are not little in your case!
    I have 5 currently in my 60.
    "We shouldn't think of an environment where livestock can survive, we should ensure an environment where livestock can thrive."-Rabidgoose
    "If it's gonna be that kinda party, Ima stick my ........ in the mashed potatoes!"-Beastie Boys

  7. #7
    Tom@HaslettMI - Reefkeeper
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    Awards Yugo Award - For helping with the CR Booth at MCES Monthly Giveaway Winner Monthly Giveaway Winner Photo of the Month Tank of the Month


    Quote Originally Posted by ReeferRob View Post
    Tom that is a beautiful tank, did I hear that its your old tank?

    Love natures little protein skimmers. I guess they are not little in your case!
    I have 5 currently in my 60.
    Thanks Rob. It is currently my only tank and it's been running for something like 16 years.

    Tridacna clams are one of my favorite reef animals. I'd love to have several more but don't feel like I have the appropriate lighting to keep other species... that will change someday. Now I'm going to go check out your tank thread...


  8. #8
    jimsflies - Reefkeeper

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    Your tank is looking great Tom!

  9. #9
    Tom@HaslettMI - Reefkeeper
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    FTS: Nov. 12, 2009
    IMG 2710 1 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    List of fish and date acquired
    yellow watchman goby: March 24th 1999
    Pajama Cardinal: 2000?
    False percula clown: 2001?
    Scopas Tang: May 10th 2008

    List of mobile inverts (quantity)
    Nassarius spp.(1): Aug. 30th 2005
    Money coweries (2): Dec. 12th 2006
    Serpent sea star (1): Aug. 31st 2007
    Linkia multifloria(1): Jan. 11th 2009
    Trocus spp. (4): various

    Some other shots from today...
    from top to bottom: canopy, tank, stand, carpet
    IMG 2734 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    Right side (couch view)
    IMG 2717 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    Left side. Recently revealed (used to be hidden behind a house plant). I plan to clean the glass and re-scape this side... someday.
    IMG 2719 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    Reflecting back...
    IMG 2720 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    Happy reefing,

  10. #10
    Tom@HaslettMI - Reefkeeper
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    East Lansing, MI
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    Awards Yugo Award - For helping with the CR Booth at MCES Monthly Giveaway Winner Monthly Giveaway Winner Photo of the Month Tank of the Month


    A few close ups...

    warning: Neither my camera nor my photography skills are great.

    IMG 2695 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    IMG 2733 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    IMG 2732 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    IMG 2730 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    IMG 1890 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

    photos046 - Tom@HaslettMI - 50 gallon mixed reef

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