Part 2! My fish here in the Caribbean now with my new favorite toy- a waterproof digital camera!

Here are some pics. I'm still getting used to taking pics underwater so they are not really the best quality. Also, I can't see the screen in the sun so I have to guess at what I'm shooting at and it doesn't always come out great.

Anyhow check 'em out and be sure to check back for more soon--->

Half in, half out of the water:
CIMG0197 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0220 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0222 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0233 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0230 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

Some weird foraminiferans?
CIMG0205 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0185 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0169 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0172 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0183 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II

CIMG0180 - Pics of My Fish Here in the Caribbean II