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This is our general discussion forum. If you're not sure where to post, feel free to post here. It covers topics about about tanks, stands, sumps, refugiums, salt, substrate, liverock, disasters, new to reefing, propagation setups, etc.

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  1. ANOTHER aiptasia thread!

    Ok!!! Any suggestions on how to get rid of aiptasia that gets in between zoanthid polyps? Im afraid to juice em as I do not want to nuke the zoas...
    Started by softiegirl, 08-26-2010 09:26 AM


    Algae & Pests
  2. Good or bad

    my 120 gallon tank is in my bed room in the basement and i wanted to move it into another room and make it like a fish room... would this hurt the...
    Started by Simona586, 08-26-2010 07:42 PM
  3. Aiptasia??

    i think i have Aiptasia!?! what does it do to the tank??
    Started by Simona586, 08-26-2010 10:32 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Algae & Pests
  4. Distilled water?

    Good or bad for SW?
    Started by MizTanks, 08-24-2010 03:11 PM


    Salt & Water
  5. A couple of newbie questions.....

    I have two questions for all of you veterans. 1. Is there a good way to add live sand to a running established tank? It will be new sand. 2....
    Started by meteors16, 08-24-2010 04:50 PM


    New to Reefing
  6. Stray Voltage!!

    Well, brought home my starry blenny today and started acclimating, stuck my hand in the water and got quite the tingle. Tracked it down and...
    Started by ETBReefer05, 08-24-2010 08:37 PM
  7. How long do you wait?

    After screwing up my tank...... (see my reef thread) it appears that so far the only thing in real jeopardy is my pink bubble coral...... it is...
    Started by shovelhead91701, 08-25-2010 10:04 AM
  8. Distilled water?

    Good or bad for SW use?
    Started by MizTanks, 08-24-2010 05:53 PM


    Salt & Water
  9. Algae over load

    So after buying come corals form a source who will not be named i became over run with green hair algae and bubble algae.. the hard green bubbles (...
    Started by scubamomma, 08-20-2010 11:15 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2


    Algae & Pests
  10. Tunze Osmolator pump seized, WD40 reside safe for reef tank?

    I've not had much luck with my Tunze Osmolator pumps. I've gone through two of them. My check valve is fine and no Kalk has been drawn back into...
    Started by skuttduck, 08-08-2010 08:29 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
  11. Ready for corals!

    Well, my new tank is ready for corals finally and I am putting it out to you guys to suggest your 1 absolute favorite specimen so that I can plan out...
    Started by shovelhead91701, 08-14-2010 10:15 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
  12. Cleaning crew dying

    Hi reef types, Just found a little green crab that was dying. How long should they live? Should I be feeding them anything special? It seems...
    Started by goodgreef, 08-13-2010 09:00 PM


    New to Reefing

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    If you are interested in learning about reefkeeping or have a problem with your reef, our reefkeeping community is here to help. Feel free to ask a question or search our site. We have lots of experienced reefkeepers that are willing to provide free reefkeeping advice!

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